Plasma Investigations
Composition and parameters of spark plasma in air with electrodes from a tungsten-copper composite V. D. Kurochkin, R. V. Minakova, A. P. Kresanova
693 |
The effect of sound on the gas temperature and longitudinal electric field in oxygen discharge G. A. Galechyan, D. M. Karapetyan, L. B. Tavakalyan
698 |
Stability to shock compression of chain centers of homogeneous nucleation in a dense ion plasma: a numerical experiment S. V. Shevkunov
704 |
The heating of metal and dielectric samples by pulsed laser radiation N. M. Bulgakova, L. I. Kuznetsov
712 |
On the possibility of energetically advantageous SHF heating of plasma: Results of a computational experiment I. K. Kokhanenko, A. A. Zaitsev
717 |
Thermophysical Properties of Materials
A study on the evaporation of nickel V. I. Severin, Yu. A. Sapozhnikov, A. V. Tseplyaeva, Yu. A. Priselkov, N. E. Khandamirova, N. A. Chernova, V. B. Luk'yanov, I. V. Golubtsov
722 |
The investigation of thermal conductivity of silicon nitride V. E. Peletskii
727 |
The activation energy of Self-diffusion M. N. Magomedov
731 |
The experimental investigation of spectral directionally-hemispherical reflectivities of $\mathrm{Er}_2\mathrm{O}_3$,
$\mathrm{Sm}_2\mathrm{O}_3$, $\mathrm{ZrO}_2$ in the visible region T. P. Salikhov, V. V. Kan
735 |
The thermodynamic properties of tetraborides of rare-earth metals in the temperature range of $298$–$2300$ Ê V. B. Muratov, A. S. Bolgar, K. A. Meleshevich, V. I. Lazorenko
740 |
The thermal conductivity of aqueous solutions of salts for high parameters of state U. B. Magomedov
744 |
The equation of state for solid hydrogen on the melting curve B. G. Udovidchenko, V. B. Esel’son, V. G. Manzhelii
748 |
Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
On the application of narrow-channel approximation to the calculation of turbulent flow in nozzles of liquid-propellant rocket engines V. G. Lushchik, V. I. Sizov, A. E. Yakubenko
752 |
Pressure drop oscillations under conditions of thermal and hydraulic instability of two-phase flow V. B. Khabenskii
759 |
Simulation of a system of combined heat shield of the radiation-evaporation type A. P. Kuryachii
767 |
The calculation of parameters of the evaporating meniscus of a thin liquid film Yu. B. Zudin
777 |
Investigation of three-dimensional hypersonic flow of chemically nonequilibrium viscous gas past a sharp cone V. Yu. Kazakov, A. A. Legostaev, S. V. Peigin
780 |
Determination of physicochemical constants in the wake behind a body flying in argon at hypersonic velocity S. Yu. Menzhinskii, N. N. Pilyugin
787 |
The modeling of thermal conditions for refractory reinforced plastics V. A. Tovstonog
795 |
The interaction between liquid droplets and a heated surface N. I. Vasil'ev, V. V. Guguchkin, B. I. Nigmatulin
801 |
The reflection coefficient of an isotropic gyrotropic medium V. B. Bobrov
808 |
The effect of blackening one of the walls of a plane channel on heat transfer to the opposite wall under conditions of radiation-convection heat transfer I. G. Zaltsman, V. T. Pushkin
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Methods of Experimental Investigation and Measurements
A comparative analysis of two modifications of the method of temperature waves for measuring the thermal diffusivity of heat-insulating materials A. V. Galaktionov, V. A. Petrov, S. V. Stepanov, S. Al. Ulybin
817 |
High Temperature Apparatuses and Structures
Energy characteristics of the optically active medium of gas-dynamic HF laser A. R. Karimov
821 |
Calculation of separation flow conditions in MHD channels: Some results G. P. Bazarov, A. M. Kolomiets, E. G. Mezhova, V. I. Okunev, V. Yu. Rikman
824 |
Experimental studies of the thermal properties of pure substances and binary mixtures employed in supercntical extraction processes I. M. Abdulagatov, Kh. C. Abdulkadyrova, M. N. Dadashev
830 |
Short Communications
High-speed plasma jets in air: III. Nonlaser continuous optical discharge in the atmosphere A. F. Aleksandrov, A. P. Ershov, I. Kh. Imad, I. B. Timofeev, S. N. Chuvashev, V. M. Shibkov, U. Yusupaliev
850 |
Generalized susceptibility and fluctuations in nonideal plasma F. B. Baimbetov, T. S. Ramazanov
851 |
Thermal properties of binary solutions of monatomic alcohols Ya. M. Naziev, A. N. Shakhverdiev, M. M. Bashirov, G. R. Mekhtieva, D. T. Safarov, M. A. Talybov
854 |
Experimental investigation of isobaric heat capacity of mixtures of benzene with halogen derivatives in the critical region A. A. Guseinov, N. M. Mordukhaev, F. G. Abdullaev, T. S. Akhundov
856 |
Thermodynamic properties of nickel arsenide S. A. Muldagalieva, A. S. Isabaev, M. I. Zhambekov, S. M. Isabaev
858 |
Thermophysical and thermoelectrical properties of highly alloyed bismuth telluride Yu. M. Goryachev, E. I. Shvartsman, T. M. Yarmola
859 |
Abstracts of Deposited Papers
Volume condensation in sulfur condensers A. S. Belobrov
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