Plasma Investigations
A cathode-directed streamer in the air for voltage pulses with a nanosecond front A. È. Bazelyan, E. M. Bazelyan
867 |
Computational and theoretical investigation of the positive column of glow discharge in a sealed-off $\mathrm{CO}_2$ laser M. G. Galushkin, V. S. Golubev, V. E. Zavalova, V. Ya. Panchenko
875 |
Absorption coefficients of photons in plasma in the Dirac–Fock–Slater model and comparison of these coefficients with the results of semiempirical methods V. G. Novikov, A. F. Nikiforov, V. V. Valko
881 |
Numerical simulation of explosion of the skin layer of a conductor in a superstrong magnetic field S. N. Kolgatin, A. Ya. Polishchuk, G. A. Shneerson
890 |
Mathematical simulation of the destructive effect of ion beams on metal targets V. V. Kostin, V. A. Skvortsov, V. E. Fortov
897 |
Thermophysical Properties of Materials
Transport coefficients of dense gas based on the effective potential model V. I. Kurochkin, S. V. Tsaplin
903 |
Does the local entropy balance equation describe irreversible processes? A. M. Semenov
909 |
The dependence of critical exponents on the dimensionality of space and the number of components of the order parameter Yu. E. Sheludyak, V. A. Rabinovich
915 |
Color measurements of refractory oxides athHigh temperatures T. P. Salikhov, V. V. Kan
920 |
Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
Model of a parabolized, viscous shock layer for the investigation of a three-dimensional, hypersonic flow of viscous gas past a body A. I. Borodin, S. V. Peigin
925 |
Numerical analysis of stability of a boiling heat-transfer agent in parallel heated channels B. I. Nigmatulin, V. N. Blinkov, O. I. Melikhov, P. G. Gakal
934 |
Experimental studies of direct contact boiling at the superheat limit S. Lesin, A. Baron, G. Branover, I. Merchuk
941 |
Thermal radiation of turbulent Jets recorded through the atmosphere V. P. Kabashnikov, N. V. Kuz'mina, A. A. Kurskov, G. I. Myasnikova
962 |
Kinetic features of radiation heating of a medium of variable composition O. V. Kudrevatova
967 |
On the restoration of the heating history of a plate made of a thermodestructible material from the density profile in the final state A. K. Alekseev
975 |
On chemical precipitation from the gas phase under conditions of a fast volume reaction A. V. Kondrat'ev, A. S. Segal, A. S. Slutskii, S. È. Khoruzhnikov
980 |
High Temperature Apparatuses and Structures
Numerical study of the evolution of a current-carrying clot in an MHD facility with a shock tube V. A. Ivanov, V. A. Bityurin, A. Vifkind, V. G. Merk, V. S. Bayovich
988 |
Fire walls for open-cycle MHD generators: Fire-surface reconditioning and the choice of thermal operating conditions V. I. Zalkind, V. A. Povelitsyn, V. K. Shikov, S. S. Shchigel'
995 |
The optimal dimensions of electrodes in disk MHD generators G. P. Bazarov, S. N. Borodin, A. M. Kolomiets, V. Yu. Rikman
1002 |
Laser techniques and some results of experimental investigations of the electrode regions of low-temperature plasma D. N. Yundev
1006 |
Short Communications
Results of experimental investigation of $P$–$V$–$T$ relationship of the benzene–isooctane system Ya. M. Naziev, V. G. Gasanov, J. Ya. Naziev
1031 |
The influence of a bellows receiver on measuring the heat capacity at constant pressure near the critical point L. A. Blagonravov, I. V. Samorodskaya
1033 |
Heat capacity and thermodynamic functions of copper orthothioarsenite R. A. Muldagalieva, Kh. Kuzgibekova, S. M. Isabaev
1036 |
Abstracts of Deposited Papers
Magnetic field of ball lightning N. I. Gaidukov
1038 |