Plasma Investigations
Physical conditions at the interface between plasma and material surface I. N. Morozov, A. F. Nastoyashchiĭ
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Numerical simulation of positive column of glow discharge in oxygen V. V. Rybkin, A. B. Bessarab, A. I. Maksimov
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Numerical simulation of a nanosecond discharge in helium at atmospheric pressure, developing in the regime of runaway of eelectrons L. P. Babich, I. M. Kutsyk
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Thermodynamic functions of nonideal plasma of alkali metal vapors G. P. Vlasov, I. A. Mulenko, A. L. Khomkin
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Thermophysical Properties of Materials
The effect of additives with acceptor properties on the reduction of electron number density in air plasma A. I. Glushko, N. N. Pilyugin, V. M. Tarutin
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Sound velocity and special features of flow in the critical state I. I. Novikov
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Dynamic compressibility of molten and cooled metals R. F. Trunin, M. V. Zhernokletov, N. F. Kuznetsov, V. V. Shutov
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Transport coefficients in the modified van der Waals model A. B. Medvedev
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Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
The thermal conductivity of a rib in the presence of a catalytic reaction on its surface V. A. Kurganov
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Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
Stability of a laminar boundary layer of gas on a permeable surface for different mechanisms of suction V. M. Fomichev
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The structure, transport properties and heat transfer in turbulent flows R. I. Soziev
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Coefficients of nonisothermality in the problem of unsteady-state conjugate heat transfer on the surface of blunt bodies D. L. Reviznikov
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Investigation of the critical conditions for transition from nucleate to film boiling S. Yu. Afanas'ev, S. A. Zhukov
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Investigation of interface oscillation under conditions of film boiling (Part 2) Yu. A. Kuzma-Kichta, A. S. Moloshnikov, B. I. Nigmatulin, A. K. Ustinov
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The influence of nonequilibrium effects in elements of hypersonic ramjet engines on the formation of harmful gas components N. G. Dautov, A. M. Starik
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High Temperature Apparatuses and Structures
Characteristics of Faraday and diagonal MHD generators with cryogenic magnet systems L. K. Kovalev, S. M.-A. Koneev, A. E. Larionov
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The regularities of the thermodynamics of critical phenomena in the liquid-gas system V. A. Rabinovich, V. V. Sychev, Yu. E. Sheludyak
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Short Communications
On the kinetics of formation of excimers of halides of inert gases B. I. Grinchenko
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The experimental investigation of the pressure of saturated vapor and the density of liquid phase of rubidium-cesium alloy V. V. Roshchupkin, M. A. Pokrasin, A. I. Chernov
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Investigation of the melting temperature of lead and POS-1 solder in porous copper- and nickel-based compounds V. A. Sozaev, Kh. B. Khokonov, Kh. T. Shidov
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Spectral thermoacoustic effect in steam-generating channels V. V. Zrodnikov, L. G. Kalinin, G. F. Smirnov, I. L. Boshkova
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Shock compressibility of iron, aluminum and tantalum under terapascal pressures in laboratory conditions R. F. Trunin, N. V. Panov, A. B. Medvedev
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The theory of the linear source method Ya. M. Naziev, M. R. Mustafaev
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Heat transfer by electrohydrodynamic jets: II. axisymmetric jets A. I. Zhakin
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Abstracts of Deposited Papers
Formation of temperature modes and of the quality of multilayer thermosetting coatings on a wire during radiative-convective heat transfer N. A. Tsvetkov
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