Plasma Investigations
Emission and conductivity of a plasma jet of a diaphragm discharge in vacuum E. V. Kalashnikov
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The behavior of volume discharge contraction in helium at atmospheric pressure V. S. Kurbanismailov, O. A. Omarov
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Determination of the recombination rate constant for electrons with krypton ions from the results
of ballistic experiments N. N. Pilyugin, A. N. Pilyugin
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Thermophysical Properties of Materials
The density of some perfluorocarbons in a wide range of state parameters M. R. Mustafaev, Ya. M. Naziev, M. K. Kagramanov
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The heat capacity of gadolinium in the vicinity of the temperature of hcp-bcc transformation: determination by the method of temperature waves V. V. Morilov, A. D. Ivliev
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The thermal conductivity and structure of porous, highly dispersed powder metals compacted by compression Yu. A. Kovalenko, V. A. Gruzdev, Yu. A. Vesloguzov
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The thermodynamic properties of a $\mathrm{Mn}_{0.73}\mathrm{Si}_{0.27}$ alloy V. Ya. Chekhovskoi, Yu. V. Gusev
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The thermal and electric properties of lanthanum sulfides with samarium admixtures at high temperatures G. G. Gadzhiev, A. A. Kamarzin, M. A. Aidamirov
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Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
An experimental investigation of the specific features of homogeneous condensation in the field of laser radiation M. V. Brykin, I. A. Gudilin, A. V. Kirillin, B. I. Samsonov
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The statistical method of recovering the thermal properties by experimentally obtained temperature values F. A. Krivoshei
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Combination of air flows initiated in the atmosphere by a group of surface thermals E. I. Andriankin, V. A. Andrushchenko, A. A. Gorbunov
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Reynolds analogy in the absence of sticking at the flow boundary A. A. Sulatskii
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Heat transfer and friction resistance at the turbulent flow in a flat curvilinear channel E. P. Valueva, V. N. Popov
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Turbulent boundary layer on a flat plate Yu. V. Lapin, V. A. Pospelov
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Formation of amorphous metallic particles during aerodynamic cooling D. S. Mikhatulin, Yu. V. Polezhaev, D. L. Reviznikov, V. V. Rusakov
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Mathematical models of subsonic Laval nozzles of laser-plasma accelerators S. T. Surzhikov
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Suppression of detonation in hydrogen-air mixture V. V. Belikov, G. V. Belikova, V. M. Goloviznin, V. N. Semenov, L. P. Starodubtseva, A. L. Fokin
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The mechanism of high-temperature failure of rubbery heat-reflecting materials in the field of mass inertia forces A. N. Garashenko, G. V. Kuznetsov, A. I. Tkachev
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High Temperature Apparatuses and Structures
Power facility with a built-in multipolar MHD generator K. L. Kovalev, T. A. Markina
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Initiation of electric current in the high-velocity armature of a railgun V. E. Ostashev, S. A. Startsev, A. V. Ul'yanov, B. D. Yankovskii
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Short Communications
The effective potential and electron–proton scattering cross-sections for quasi-classical hydrogen plasma F. B. Baimbetov, M. A. Bekenov, T. S. Ramazanov
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The calculation of the transport properties of two-temperature, partly ionized magnetic plasma with biomolecular reactions by the generalized Enskog method. Part I B. V. Alekseev, I. T. Grushin, L. P. Grushina
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The heat capacity of $\mathrm{La}_3\mathrm{SbO}_7$ and $\mathrm{Nd}_3\mathrm{SbO}_7$ in the temperature interval of $298.15$–$673$ Ê B. K. Kasenov, R. S. Tezekbaeva, Sh. B. Kasenova, E. S. Mustafin
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Extinction measurements in optically dense media at different aperture angles of the photodetector O. S. Vaulina, O. F. Petrov, A. A. Samaryan, A. V. Chernyshev
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On the emergence of free convection in eddy electric currents V. G. Zhilin, Yu. P. Ivochkin, V. S. Igumnov, A. A. Oksman
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Modeling of simple reversible reactions on porous catalyst granules with regard for heat and mass transfer between the catalyst and surrounding reaction mixture V. V. Andreev
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Some remarks concerning the paper by I.V Krasnoslobodtsev on "Uniform isotropic two-dimensional flow of a conducting liquid in a constant perpendicular magnetic field at small magnetic Reynolds numbers and some problems of controlling the conductivity" (Teplofiz. Vys. Temp., 1994, vol. 32, no. 5, p. 788: High. Temp., p. 737) A. L. Tseskis
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