Plasma Investigations
Method of investigation of the electron velocity distribution function in the neighborhood of the boundary between plasma and material surface A. F. Nastoyashchiĭ
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Static dielectric permeability of a Coulomb system in the long-wave limit and the perturbation theory V. B. Bobrov
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Excitation of instability in media of bipolar conductivity under the thermoelectric effect E. D. Èidel'man
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Three-dimensional numerical simulation of MHD-interaction between a laser plasma and a moving ionized medium in magnetic field S. T. Surzhikov
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Calculation of the equilibrium composition of air plasma with products of ablation of teflon for conditions of ballistic experiments N. N. Pilyugin, E. B. Rudnyi
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Mechanism of formation of carbon nanoparticles in an electric arc Yu. E. Lozovik, A. M. Popov
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Thermophysical Properties of Materials
Asymptotic behavior of thermodynamic functions of water V. A. Rabinovich, Yu. E. Sheludyak
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Thermal conductivity of caproates at high pressures and temperatures R. A. Mustafaev, M. A. Guseinov, T. P. Musaev
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Investigation of liquid-vapor equilibrium using an interpolation equation of state V. S. Vorob'ev
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Regularities of variation in the density of liquid alkanols-$1$, -$2$, -$3$, -$4$ under atmospheric pressure T. S. Khasanshin
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The Viscosity of perfluorotripropylamine, perfluorotributylamine, and perfluoromethyldibutylamine in a wide range of parameters of state M. R. Mustafaev, Ya. M. Naziev, Sh. K. Kasimova
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Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
Resistance of a spherical particle in a subsonic flow of rare plasma A. G. Gnedovets, A. V. Gusarov, A. A. Uglov
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Stationary radial motion of radiation-heated vapor from intensively evaporating a metal particle to vacuum A. G. Lesskis, A. K. Titov, A. A. Yushkanov
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The kinetics of physicochemical processes in high-temperature air V. N. Makarov
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Heat transfer and motion of the interface under conditions of melting of a heat-accumulating material in the vicinity of a horizontal heat source with split finning V. G. Gorobets, V. V. Treputnev
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Numerical modeling of convective columns above a large fire in the atmosphere I. F. Muzafarov, S. V. Utyuzhnikov
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The effect of turbulence intensity on the efficiency of a gas curtain in a Laval nozzle V. P. Lebedev, V. V. Lemanov, S. Ya. Misyura, V. I. Terekhov
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Numerical simulation of conjugate heat transfer under conditions of flow around gas turbine blades R. B. Kuz'min, Yu. V. Polezhaev, A. F. Polyakov, D. L. Reviznikov
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Effects of relaxation diffusion during intense vaporization of a solvent from a polymer solution S. P. Levitskiy, Z. P. Shul'man
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Diffusiophoresis of a moderately large, nonvolatile, spherical aerosol particle in a binary gas mixture Yu. I. Yalamov, R. A. Safiullin
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Forced-convection film boiling of subcooled liquid on a flat plate V. S. Granovskii, A. A. Sulatskii
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Methods of Experimental Investigation and Measurements
The development of a high-speed sectroscopy method for investigating the emissivity of electrically nonconducting materials at high temperatures V. S. Dozhdikov, V. A. Petrov
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High Temperature Apparatuses and Structures
The calculation of cutoffs of magnetic flux in misaligned, helical, explosive-driven magnetic flux-compression generators P. V. Mironychev
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Disk MHD generator with a cryogenic magnet system L. K. Kovalev, S. M.-A. Koneev, A. E. Larionov
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Short Communications
Heat capacity and thermodynamic properties of nickel monoarsenide R. A. Muldagalieva, V. D. Chunaeva, S. M. Isabaev
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The thermodynamics of weakly nonideal plasma F. B. Baimbetov, K. N. Dzhumagulova, T. S. Ramazanov
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The law of turbulent heat and mass transfer in the flow separation region after expansion L. I. Zaichik, B. I. Nigmatulin, V. A. Pershukov
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Abstracts of Deposited Papers
Nonlinear processes of thermal-and-force interaction of components of heterogeneous material under conditions of pulsed heating M. I. Podduev
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