Plasma Investigations
Statistical analysis of similarity of electric-arc discharges T. V. Laktyushina, A. Marotta, L. O. M. da Sil'va, O. I. Yas'ko
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An experimental investigation of the electrodynamic and spectral characteristics of a nanosecond pulse-periodic discharge in chlorine L. M. Vasilyak, S. V. Kostyuchenko, A. V. Krasnochub, N. N. Kudryavtsev, G. A. Kurkin
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The kinetics of electron–ion energy exchange in an overdense plasma I. T. Yakubov
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An investigation of the charged particle distribution function in electromagnetic field involving the use of the generalized Boltzmann equation B. V. Alekseev
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Parameters of the electron component of methane-containing microwave hydrogen plasma in a resonator Yu. A. Lebedev
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Thermophysical Properties of Materials
Base system of diffusion coefficients in multicomponent mixture of rarefied gases A. M. Semenov
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The thermodynamics of $\mathrm{C}_{60}$ fullerite as a system of close-packed spherically symmetric Molecules with short-range interaction V. S. Vorob'ev, A. V. Eletskii
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A theory of degenerate electron liquid: The dielectric permeability and the equation of state V. B. Bobrov
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Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
Heat transfer by fluctuation electromagnetic field between two media separated by a transparent gap P. K. Golubinskii, A. S. Usenko
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The effect of local surface heating on friction in a turbulent boundary layer on a plate A. V. Kazakov, M. N. Kogan, A. P. Kuryachii
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An investigation of gas dynamics and heat transfer in the process of gas-cushion forming of molten materials V. G. Puzach, S. V. Puzach
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The temperature determination by the spectral line intensity of cesium and lithium in the layer of evaporation under conditions of supersonic flow about a cone: 1. Experimental investigation A. G. Kokorin, I. V. Orfanov, N. N. Pilyugin, M. B. Belikov
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Numerical simulation of heat transfer during boiling on a surface with porous coating S. A. Kovalev, O. A. Ovodkov
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Measurements of velocity fields of gas and solid particles in the boundary layer of turbulized heterogeneous flow A. Yu. Varaksin, D. S. Mikhatulin, Yu. V. Polezhaev, A. F. Polyakov
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Numerical simulation of heat and mass transfer processes accompanying the production of pyrocarbon-based composite materials V. I. Mika, V. V. Ryabin
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Combined heat transfer of high-temperature multiphase flow in a channel with condensation and deposition of impurity I. G. Zaltsman, M. V. Brykin, K. G. Garnisov
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High Temperature Apparatuses and Structures
A simple analytic method for calculation of the output power of a $\mathrm{CO}_2$ gas-dynamic laser with a stable resonator, allowing for absorption bands and nonresonance losses of the active medium V. I. Chesnokov
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The thermal properties of carbon–carbon composite materials D. P. Volkov, Yu. P. Zarichnyak
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Short Communications
Methods of measuring fluctuations of plasma parameters in pulsed MHD generators V. A. Gomozov, Z. I. Matveenko, L. S. Shurygina
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Heat capacity and thermodynamic functions of cobalt arsenates within the temperature range from $298.15$ to $673$ Ê E. S. Mustafin, B. K. Kasenov, A. T. Oralova
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Generalized equation of state of succinic esters in a wide range of temperature and pressures R. A. Mustafaev, R. S. Ragimov
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Nonstationary processes during propagation of detonation waves in channels of variable cross section D. I. Baklanov, L. G. Gvozdeva
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Generalization of differential approximation for the calculation of radiation–conduction heat transfer in rectangular domain with transparent mirror-reflecting boundaries V. S. Yuferev
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Optimum power supply of railgun accelerator A. V. Zagorskii
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Absorption coefficients of dense argon and xenon plasma M. I. Kulish, V. K. Gryaznov, S. V. Kvitov, V. B. Mintsev, D. N. Nikolaev, V. Ya. Ternovoi, A. S. Filimonov, V. E. Fortov, A. A. Golubev, B. Yu. Sharkov, D. Hoffmann, K. Stokl, Kh. Wetzler
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Basic regularities of crystallization kinetics and possibilities of preparing amorphous metals Yu. V. Polezhaev, D. S. Mikhatulin, D. L. Reviznikov, V. V. Rusakov
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