Plasma Investigations
Spectroscopic diagnostics of laser-induced aluminum and indium plasma under conditions of moderate power of stimulation of obstacle A. K. Shuaibov, A. I. Dashchenko, I. V. Shevera
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Investigation of the electrophysical characteristics of $\mathrm{SF}_6$ gas: Obtained results A. E. Dubinov, V. A. Letyaguin, K. E. Mikheev, B. G. Ptitsyn, S. A. Sadovoi, V. D. Selemir
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Cross sections of excitation of $^3F$-levels of nickel atom by electron impact Yu. M. Smirnov
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Microwave-frequency modulation of the gasdynamic parameters of plasma by laser radiation N. S. Zakharov, V. V. Rudenko
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The characteristic of a probe in moving collisional plasma for the flow stagnation point A. V. Kashevarov
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Numerical simulation of the treatment of probe current-voltage characteristics under conditions of anisotropic velocity distribution of electrons M. A. Mal'kov, M. V. Kolesov
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Effect of strong electric fields on the behavior of bubbles in water S. M. Korobeinikov, A. V. Melekhov, Yu. N. Sinikh, Yu. G. Soloveichik
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Thermophysical Properties of Materials
Properties of a substance in the critical region (Theory and experiment) I. I. Novikov
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Comparison of the results of prediction of transport coefficients of sodium vapor with experimental data O. D. Zakcharova, A. M. Semenov
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Optical properties of liquid aluminum and $\mathrm{Al}$–$\mathrm{Ce}$ alloy L. A. Akashev, V. I. Kononenko
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An investigation of evaporation of liquid alloys of iron with copper A. I. Zaitsev, N. E. Shelkova, A. D. Litvina, E. Kh. Shakhpazov, B. M. Mogutnov
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Investigation of the thermophysical properties of ethyl alcohol + water solutions D. T. Safarov, A. N. Shakhverdiev
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Shock compression of porous aluminum and nickel at megabar pressures R. F. Trunin, G. V. Simakov, N. V. Panov
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Thermal and electrical properties of gadolinium sulfides at high temperatures G. G. Gadzhiev, Sh. M. Ismailov, Kh. Kh. Abdullaev, M. M. Khamidov, Z. M. Omarov
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The thermophysical properties (heat capacity and thermal expansion) of single-crystal silicon V. M. Glazov, A. S. Pashinkin
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Experimental investigation of the heat capacity and enthalpy of 12Kh18N9T and 12Kh18N10T
(chrome–nickel–titanium) austenitic steels in the temperature range from $300$ to $1678$ K V. Ya. Chekhovskoi, V. D. Tarasov, I. V. Arseev
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New generalized equations for the calculation of isobaric heat capacity of hydrocarbons at the saturation curve A. A. Gerasimov, B. A. Grigor'ev, M. A. Kuznetsov
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Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
Parabolized viscous shock layer in view of conjugate heat transfer A. I. Borodin
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Regenerated boiling and enhancement of heat transfer Yu. A. Zeigarnik
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Boiling of superheated liquids and Frenkel "islands" M. A. Parshakova, G. V. Ermakov
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An analysis of the heat flux density under conditions of boiling internal phase of emulsion N. V. Bulanov
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Excitation of acoustic vibrations during volume condensation in a steam–gas mixture V. R. Pesochin
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Model of dispersion of a droplet of corium melt during its motion through the coolant as applied to the problem of steam explosion D. A. Afremov, S. L. Solov'ev
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Methods of Experimental Investigation and Measurements
Zirconium temperature measurements from the melting point to $4100$ K involving the use of blackbody models in the liquid state V. N. Korobenko, A. I. Savvatimskii
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V. L. Granovskii: His Scientific Legacy in the Field of Gas Discharge and Plasma (The History of Development of Gas Discharge Studies) I. A. Vasil'eva
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