Plasma Investigations
A self-consistent kinetic model of the effect of striation of low-pressure discharges in inert gases G. I. Sukhinin, A. V. Fedoseev
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The effect of axisymmetric two-dimensional magnetic field on the configuration of vacuum-arc plasma E. F. Prozorov, K. N. Ulyanov, V. A. Fedorov
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Investigation of the possibility of formation of a conducting channel in the Earth atmosphere E. L. Stupitsky
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Transverse electric discharges in supersonic air flows: Simulation of the effects influencing the heating of gas in discharge channel V. G. Gromov, A. P. Ershov, V. A. Levin, V. M. Shibkov
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The parameters of plasma and the kinetics of generation and loss of active particles under conditions of discharge in $\mathrm{HCl}$ A. M. Efremov, V. I. Svettsov
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Multiphase electric-arc ac plasma generators for plasma technologies F. G. Rutberg, A. A. Safronov, S. D. Popov, A. V. Surov, G. V. Nakonechnyi
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CARS spectroscopy and optical interferometry of glow discharge plasma in nitrogen V. A. Shakhatov, O. A. Gordeev
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Thermophysical Properties of Materials
The density of liquid cesium in the vicinity of the melting point B. B. Alchagirov, A. G. Mozgovoi
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An investigation of acoustic emission in Armco iron and structural steel in the process of recrystallization and phase transitions M. M. Lyakhovitskii, M. A. Pokrasin, V. V. Roshchupkin, N. L. Sobol', A. I. Chernov
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Simulation of structural phase transitions in ionic crystals under conditions of high pressures and temperatures S. V. Karpenko
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Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
The recovery factor in a supersonic flow of gas with a low Prandtl number A. I. Leont'ev, V. G. Lushchik, A. E. Yakubenko
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The dispersion of gas-droplet flow with a large fraction of liquid at the outlet from a long nozzle A. V. Tsipenko
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The effect of the structure of mixing chamber on the operation of a water-air nozzle with a large fraction of liquid A. V. Karpyshev
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Hydrodynamic drag of a flow of steam-water mixture in a pebble bed A. A. Avdeev, B. F. Balunov, Yu. B. Zudin, R. A. Rybin, R. I. Soziev
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Results of experimental investigation of heat transfer with emulsions with low-boiling disperse phase N. V. Bulanov, B. M. Gasanov, E. A. Turchaninova
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Initiation of heterogeneous detonation in tubes with coils and Shchelkin spiral S. M. Frolov, V. S. Aksenov, V. Ya. Basevich
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Photophoresis of large sublimating aerosol particles Yu. I. Yalamov, A. S. Khasanov
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Methods of Experimental Investigation and Measurements
Analysis of the possibility of using laser Doppler anemometer for the investigation of highly dust-laden flows M. V. Protasov, A. Yu. Varaksin, T. F. Ivanov, A. F. Polyakov
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Short Communications
An experimental investigation of the spectral composition of radiation behind the shock-wave front in a $\mathrm{CO_2}$–$\mathrm{N}_2$–$\mathrm{Ar}$ mixture E. M. Anokhin, T. Yu. Ivanova, N. N. Kudryavtsev, S. V. Pancheshnyi, A. Yu. Starikovskii, V. E. Sych
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The density of a liquid-metal heat-transfer agent on the basis of lead-bismuth eutectic at high temperatures S. V. Stankus, R. A. Khairulin, A. G. Mozgovoi, V. V. Roshchupkin, M. A. Pokrasin
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The composition of the gas phase over liquid lithium at $1600$–$6000$ K in view of existence of atoms and metastable self-associates G. K. Moiseev
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Methods for the determination of temperatures of objects in circumterrestrial space using a multispectrum IR-radiometer against cold space background V. G. Ivanov, A. A. Kamenev, E. V. Lapovok, S. N. Skovorod'ko, S. I. Khankov
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