Plasma Investigations
Plasma-dynamic discharges in transverse supersonic air flows A. P. Ershov, E. B. Kolesnikov, I. B. Timofeev, V. A. Chernikov, S. N. Chuvashev, V. M. Shibkov
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Experimental and numerical investigations of plasma of products of combustion of pyrotechnic fuel in air Yu. G. Degtev, R. V. Dogadaev, A. A. Ivanenko, V. P. Panchenko, A. A. Yakushev
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The spatial structure of a current layer in an MGD channel E. N. Vasil'ev, D. A. Nesterov
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Thermophysical Properties of Materials
Isochoric heat capacity and coexistence curve of methyl alcohol in the neighborhood of the critical point N. G. Polikhronidi, L. M. Radzhabova, A. R. Rasulov, G. V. Stepanov
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The calculation of the parameters of the Mie–Lennard-Jones potential M. N. Magomedov
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Calculation of the heats of combustion of aromatic hydrocarbons contained in power-generating fuel E. V. Sagadeev, V. V. Sagadeev
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The bulk properties of $\mathrm{Pd}$–$\mathrm{Si}$ alloys at temperatures from room temperature to $1600^\circ$C G. M. Sivkov, D. A. Yagodin, P. S. Popel'
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Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
Self-oscillations in oscillating heat pipes A. V. Melkikh, Yu. E. Dolgirev
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The limits and pattern of the onset of the effect of thermogravitation on the flow and heat transfer in pipes A. F. Polyakov
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Heat and mass transfer through a vapor film in view of the motion of liquid-vapor interface and the rise of temperature at the interface A. P. Kryukov, A. K. Yastrebov
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Numerical solution of problems in radiative heat transfer in three-dimensional domains of irregular shape with mirror (Fresnel) boundaries V. M. Mamedov, V. S. Yuferev
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Analysis of nonlinear heat conduction based on determining the front of temperature perturbation V. A. Kudinov, B. V. Averin, E. V. Stefanyuk, S. A. Nazarenko
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A study into the macrokinetics of heterogeneous oxidation of coked foams of heat-shielding materials V. G. Zverev, V. A. Nazarenko, V. V. Nesmelov
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Methods of Experimental Investigation and Measurements
The sensitivity of thermomechanical reading of data A. B. Petrin
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Heat-engineering units for the generation of dense high-temperature gas D. B. Volov
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Short Communications
The melting and evaporation of a pointed anode under conditions of low-voltage discharge in air S. A. Pyachin, M. A. Pugachevskii, V. G. Zavodinskii, D. L. Yagodzinskii
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Thermal conductivity of aqueous solutions of $\mathrm{ZnI}_2$ in a wide range of parameters of state V. S. El'darov
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The theory of falling-hollow-cylinder viscometer M. R. Mustafaev
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