Encyclopedia of Low-Temperature Plasma
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Сообщение о XII Российской конференции по теплофизическим свойствам веществ (Москва, 07-10 октября 2008 г.)
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Plasma Investigations
Spectroscopic investigations of longitudinal discharge in supersonic flow of air with injection of propane into the discharge zone V. V. Ivanov, V. V. Skvotsov, B. G. Efimov, A. M. Pyndyk, A. Yu. Kireev, V. N. Krasheninnikov, S. V. Shilenkov
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The parameters of plasma and the kinetics of generation and loss of active particles under conditions of discharge in chlorine A. M. Efremov, V. I. Svettsov, D. V. Sitanov
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Electric field singularity on the line of wetting of dielectric surface A. B. Petrin
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Programmed input of energy into the discharge chamber of a light-gas electric-discharge accelerator of bodies A. V. Budin, A. A. Kiselev, V. A. Kolikov, F. G. Rutberg
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Thermophysical Properties of Materials
The simulation of transport processes using the method of molecular dynamics. Self-diffusion coefficient V. Ya. Rudyak, A. A. Belkin, D. A. Ivanov, V. V. Egorov
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Crossover relations for “simple” systems in the critical region Yu. A. Neruchev, M. F. Bolotnikov
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The second group integral of cesium O. D. Zakcharova, A. M. Semenov
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Numerical simulation of IR absorption, reflection, and scattering in dispersed water-oxygen media O. A. Novruzova, A. E. Galashev
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Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
The structure of gasdynamic flow in a supersonic separator of natural gas M. M. Malyshkina
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Investigation of two-stage compression of gas V. M. Shmelev, V. M. Nikolaev, V. S. Iluhin, D. B. Volov
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Mathematical simulation of evolution of solitary spherical vapor bubble under compression by external pressure A. V. Desyatov, D. N. Il'mov, S. G. Cherkasov
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Self-oscillations of nonisothermal flow of viscous liquid in a channel A. V. Melkikh, V. D. Seleznev
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Acceleration of microparticles in a gasdynamic facility with high expansion of flow G. V. Molleson, A. L. Stasenko
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Radiation-conduction heat transfer in fibrous heat-resistant insulation under thermal effect V. G. Zverev, V. D. Gol'din, V. A. Nazarenko
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Regular solution of inverse optimal design problems for axisymmetric systems of radiative heat transfer S. A. Rukolaine
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Methods of Experimental Investigation and Measurements
Thermometry of microwave discharge in powder mixtures by the thermal radiation spectrum G. M. Batanov, N. K. Berezhetskaya, V. A. Kop'ev, I. A. Kossyi, A. N. Magunov
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Short Communications
Experimental investigation of the velocity of sound in saturated vapors of rubidium at high temperatures A. G. Mozgovoi
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Polytherms of density and surface tension of cadmium-sodium system N. V. Dalakova, M. Kh. Ponegev, A. B. Sozaeva, V. A. Sozaev
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The mechanism of boiling up of liquid in a bubble chamber D. N. Gerasimov, M. N. Rudavina
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