Plasma Investigations
Factors affecting the velocity of launching bodies by means of an electric-discharge light-gas accelerator A. V. Budin, V. A. Kolikov, I. I. Kumkova, F. G. Rutberg
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Pair fluctuations in nonideal plasma and their restriction at the ionization threshold A. V. Lankin, H. E. Norman
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A theoretical study of the impact of magnetic field of Hall current on the parameters of a high-current vacuum-arc discharge Ya. I. Londer, K. N. Ulyanov
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Excitation of transitions of singly charged ytterbium ions terminating on levels $4f^{13}(^2F^\circ_{7/2})5d6s(^3D)^3[L_2]^\circ$ Yu. M. Smirnov
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Thermophysical Properties of Materials
Wide-range equation of state for water and steam: Method of construction R. I. Nigmatulin, R. Kh. Bolotnova
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Electrical conductivity of metallic hydrogen as a ternary system V. T. Shvets
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The effect of structural phase transition on the electrical resistivity of liquid cesium L. A. Blagonravov, A. S. Krylov, M. M. Mizotin, S. N. Skovorod'ko, É. É. Shpil'rain
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The thermophysical properties of hafnium in the temperature range from $293$ to $2000$ K S. V. Onufriev, V. A. Petukhov, V. R. Pesochin, V. D. Tarasov
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The interdiffusion in melts of tin—lead system of eutectic and near-eutectic composition R. A. Khairulin, S. V. Stankus, A. S. Kosheleva
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The optical properties of high-porosity lithium fluoride ceramics S. S. Moiseev, V. A. Petrov, S. V. Stepanov
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Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
Hydrodynamic drag of a flow of steam-water mixture in a pebble bed A. A. Avdeev, R. I. Soziev
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The effect of the flow-to-wall temperature ratio on strong condensation of gas A. A. Abramov, A. V. Butkovskay
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A nonlinear critical layer in nonequilibrium gas I. P. Zavershinskii, E. Ya. Kogan, V. N. Knestyapin
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Development and applications of the efficient hybrid RANS/ILES approach for the calculation of complex turbulent jets D. A. Lyubimov
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Thermal protection of multilayer containers against the effect of fires V. G. Zverev, V. A. Nazarenko, A. Tsimbaluk
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Special features characteristic of the use of differential scanning calorimetry for the investigation of the kinetics of thermal decomposition of energetic materials A. A. Koptelov, Yu. M. Miloekhin, D. N. Sadovnichii, N. I. Shishov
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Short Communications
The dissociation of hydrogen molecules in the positive column of a DC glow discharge in an H$_2$—Ar mixture I. N. Brovikova
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Estimation of the temperature coefficient of surface tension of the interface between phases which form a eutectic V. S. Savvin, Yu. A. Kazachkova, A. A. Povzner
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The polytherms of angles of wetting grade 12Kh18N9T steel by indium-sodium melts M. Kh. Ponegev, A. B. Sozaeva, V. A. Sozaev
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The simulation of heat transfer and flow of generalized Newtonian liquid in the initial region of coaxial channel with arrhenius source of heat release B. R. Abajdullin, Yu. G. Nazmeev
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In the World of Thermophysics
Всероссийская конференция по физике низкотемпературной плазмы «ФНТП-2007 (с международным участием)» A. D. Hahaev
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