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JOURNALS // Teplofizika vysokikh temperatur // Archive

2020, Volume 58, Issue 6

In memory of the Editor-in-chief of the High Temperature journal academician V.E. Fortov

Plasma Investigations
Parameters of pulsed discharge plasma in high-speed gas flows
L. V. Shibkova, V. M. Shibkov, A. A. Logunov, D. S. Dolbnia, K. N. Kornev
Mathematical model of the diffusion mode of a short, high-current vacuum arc in the axial magnetic field
T. M. Sapronova, K. N. Ulyanov
On the theory of the plasma capillary effect
A. A. Bredihin, E. B. Kulumbaev
Low-power electric discharges with metallic, dielectric, and electrolytic electrodes at low frequencies and atmospheric pressure
Az. F. Gaisin, R. Sh. Sadriev, L. N. Bagautdinova, R. T. Nasibullin, F. M. Gaisin, Sh. Ch. Mastyukov

Thermophysical Properties of Materials
Resistivity of refractory carbides $(\rm ZrC$, $\rm HfC$, and $\rm TaC + \rm HfC)$ in the solid and liquid states
A. I. Savvatimskii, S. V. Onufriev
Measurements of the dynamic viscosity and density of $\rm KOH$ solutions at atmospheric pressure
K. I. Kuznetsov, S. V. Skorodumov, P. P. Granchenko
Influence of thermal effects on the transport characteristics of cellulose acetate porous films
S. I. Lazarev, Yu. M. Golovin, S. V. Kovalev, D. S. Lazarev, A. A. Levin

Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
Dynamics of disturbances caused by local sources of heat release in the Earth's damp atmosphere
O. A. Sinkevich, G. O. Zinchenko
Particle concentration distribution in a gas–droplet confined swirling flow: Euler and Lagrange approaches
M. A. Pakhomov, V. I. Terekhov
Comparative analysis of calculated and experimental data on an oscillating flow induced by the gasdynamic interaction of a particle with a shock layer
D. L. Reviznikov, A. V. Sposobin, I. E. Ivanov
Simulation of the ignition and detonation of methane–air mixtures behind a reflected shock wave
V. Yu. Gidaspov, D. S. Kononov, N. S. Severina

Design of materials for nuclear energy applications: First-principles calculations and artificial intelligence methods
I. A. Abrikosov, E. E. Son, B. O. Mukhamedov, A. V. Khvan

Short Communications
Generation of picocoulomb-level electron bunches from a metal tip on femtosecond $\rm Ti:$Sapphire laser irradiation
N. A. Abramovsky, S. B. Bodrov, A. M. Kiselev, A. A. Murzanev, A. V. Romashkin, A. N. Stepanov
Ultrafast modulation of ferroelectric polarization in a $\rm Ba_{0.8}\rm Sr_{0.2}\rm TiO_3$ film with an intensive subperiodic terahertz pulse
V. R. Bilyk, E. D. Mishina, A. V. Ovchinnikov, M. B. Agranat
Caloric properties of $\rm RbBi_2$ alloy in a condensed state
S. V. Stankus, I. V. Savchenko, O. S. Yatsuk, A. R. Khairulin

Papers published in the English version of the journal
Plasma Investigations
Cylindrical and spherical electro-acoustic waves in a strongly coupled cryogenic quantum plasma
P. R. Dip, M. A. Hossen, M. Salahuddin, A. A. Mamun
Dust-acoustic rogue waves in an opposite polarity dusty plasma featuring non-extensive statistics
D. M. S. Zaman, A. Mannan, N. A. Chowdhury, A. A. Mamun
Floating discharge plasma for healing of tendon injury
M. Amini, M. Momeni, A. Jahandideh
Thermophysical Properties of Materials
Fully analytical evaluation of second virial coefficient with Stockmayer potential and its applications
B. A. Mamedov, E. Somuncu
Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
Simulation of natural convection around an inclined heating triangular cylinder using lattice Boltzmann method: On the stabilization of the oscillatory regime by using nanoparticles
M. El Abdallaoui, A. Amahmid, M. Hasnaoui, I. Pop
Effects of junction flow on the free convection heat transfer of a heated vertical plate
H. Malah, Yu. S. Chumakov
Multi-objective optimization of thermal management system in LED bulbs based on entropy generation minimization concept
M. Babaelahi, S. M. M. Nejad, M. Saadatfar
Experimental research of gasdynamic liquid drops breakup in the supersonic flow with an oblique shock wave
K. J. Arefyev, O. V. Gus'kov, A. N. Prokhorov, A. S. Savel'ev, E. E. Son, K. Gautham, D. Sam, K. T. Sonu, T. M. Muruganandam
Three-dimensional thermal field induced by gas pipeline explosion fireball based on predicted algorithm and experimental validation
K. Wang, Y. He

© Steklov Math. Inst. of RAS, 2025