On a nonlocal boundary value problem for a model hyperbolic nonlocal equations A. Kh. Attaev
7 |
On representation of solution of the diffusion equation with Dzhrbashyan-Nersesyan operators F.T. Bogatyreva
16 |
Equivalence of paths in some non-euclidean geometry R. A. Gafforov, K. K. Muminov
28 |
Non-local boundary value problem for a system of ordinary differential equations with Riemann–Liouville derivatives M. O. Mamchuev, T. I. Zhabelova
42 |
Solution of the boundary problem for the generalized Laplace equation with a fractional derivative O. Kh. Masaeva
53 |
Solution of a mixed boundary value problem for an equation with fractional derivatives with different origins L. M. Èneeva
64 |
Transport flow model based on interaction of particles with action potential O. P. Bobrovskaya, T. V. Gavrilenko, V. A. Galkin
72 |
Coupled oscillators as a model of high-frequency geoacoustic emission M. I. Gapeev, A. A. Solodchuk, R. I. Parovik
88 |
A complete system of conditions for uncongested traffic of vehicles in front of a traffic light at a symmetrical two-lane intersection V. Ch. Kudaev, A. K. Buzdov
101 |
Inverse problem for McKendrick von Foerster equation with caputo operator F. M. Losanova
111 |
Fractional differential model of physical processes with saturation and its application to the description of the dynamics of COVID-19 D. A. Tvyordyj, R. I. Parovik
119 |
Approximation of the waiting times distribution laws for foreshocks based on a fractional model of deformation activity O. V. Sheremetyeva, B. M. Shevtsov
137 |
Approaches to solving systems of linear algebraic equations using neural networks V. A. Galkin, T. V. Gavrilenko, A. D. Smorodinov
153 |
Computer program for modeling anomalous variations in radon volumetric activity based on the mechanism of its injection into the groundwater flow G. A. Katkova, E. O. Makarov, R. I. Parovik
165 |
Implicit finite-difference scheme for a Duffing oscillator with a derivative of variable fractional order of the Riemann-Liouville type V. A. Kim, R. I. Parovik
179 |
Using multivalued logic for qualitative data analysis L. A. Lyutikova
199 |
Optimal quadrature formulas in the space $\widetilde{W_2}^{(m,m-1)}$of periodic functions A. R. Hayotov, U. N. Khayriev
211 |
Investigation of internal gravitational waves by an infrared camera of the entire sky over the territory of Yakutia O. V. Mordosova, I. I. Koltovskoi
227 |
Impact oscillator as a dynamic method for studying the elastic properties of metals and alloys V. V. Narozhnov
239 |