On the averaging of integral identities O. A. Ivanova
3 |
On the measure of algebraic independence of some numbers S. O. Shestakov
8 |
Two classes of simple Lie algebras over a field of characteristic $3$ Chan Nam Zung
12 |
Correlation analysis of random quaternions V. N. Tutubalin
15 |
On the dimension of nowhere dense subsets of manifolds V. V. Fedorchuk
23 |
Stability and instability radii for polynomials of the third and fourth degrees A. S. Fursov
28 |
The problem of screening random sets in a plane M. V. Gal'tsov
33 |
Absolute convergence of series of Fourier coefficients in an orthonormal system Chan Min'
37 |
Nonlocal boundary value problems M. R. Korotkina
43 |
Electroplasticity effect and the determination of ultimate plastic strain I. V. Ovchinnikov
47 |
Closed trajectories of various topological types in the problem of the motion of a body in a resisting medium M. V. Shamolin
52 |
Two-stage evolution in a system with an infinite number of degrees of freedom V. G. Vil'ke, A. V. Shatina
57 |
Normal forms of dynamical systems that admit a first integral S. L. Dudoladov
62 |
Simulation of blood circulation regulation under overloads V. V. Aleksandrov, T. B. Alexandrova, G. V. But, I. A. Kopylov
66 |
Nonlinear waves in a two-row system of particles K. R. Khusnutdinova
71 |
Short notes
On the concept of relatively uniform realizability of propositional formulas V. E. Plisko
77 |
Elaborate routing in circuit-switching networks M. Yu. Kradinov
79 |
Two theorems on removable singularities I. Yu. Chesnokov
83 |
An example of a generalized Coxeter group that is not an even subgroup of the Coxeter group V. A. Goryushkin
85 |
On the negative spectrum of an elliptic operator Yu. V. Egorov, V. A. Kondratiev
88 |
On the initial stage of the braking of a massive body by means of a nonlinearly elastic damper A. A. Lokshin, E. A. Sagomonyan
91 |
The motion of a viscous incompressible fluid in a precessing cylinder I. M. Kazmerchuk
93 |
Magnetic field diffusion into conductive semi space when the current intensity increases linearly V. F. Nikitin, N. N. Smirnov
96 |
Pressure distribution over surface of rotating cylinder in transversal
flow and reversing the lifting force V. P. Kozlov
100 |
Scientific research seminar of Section of Plasticity theory
104 |
Scientific research seminar of Composites Mechanics Section
105 |
Scientific research seminar on general topology (spring semester sessions in 1990/91
academic year) V. V. Fedorchuk, A. V. Arkhangel'skii, B. A. Pasynkov, V. I. Ponomarev, V. V. Filippov
106 |