Finitely generated nilpotent algebras N. A. Shchuchkin
3 |
On a geometric property of tracking domain in persuit problems A. G. Chkhartishvili
7 |
Euler-type equations in the Yang-Mills model and in the model of chiral fields T. A. Ivanova
10 |
Defining relations of groups of colored braids A. G. Makanina
14 |
Finitely compact extensions with $G_\sigma$-diagonal A. N. Kazakov
19 |
Solutions of some equations that contain $E$-functions A. I. Galochkin
22 |
An analysis of velocity profile parameters and addition concentration parameters in the turbulent boundary layer on penetrable surface V. A. Ioselevich, S. L. Mashkov
28 |
Aerodynamic characteristics of bent delta wings at subsonic separation flow V. I. Voronin, G. S. Ul'yanov, A. I. Shvets
32 |
A method for constructing calculation networks in two-dimensional regions with separation of interior contact interfaces N. E. Kabak, A. B. Kiselev, V. F. Maksimov
35 |
On stationary motions of two gravitating bodies and their stability A. V. Karapetyan, S. A. Sharakin
42 |
On the stability of permanent rotation of a body with unilateral constraint A. A. Markeev
48 |
Short notes
On some classes of Lie algebras S. P. Mishchenko
55 |
A topological analogue of almost polycyclic groups and the problem of the extension of topologies S. A. Pyartli
57 |
On Knutson's conjecture about irreducible characters of finite groups V. G. Savitskij
59 |
On a conjecture of Herstein V. A. Mushrub
62 |
On motion of an integrable system with non-linear non-holonomic constraint D. Zeković
64 |
On obtaining superplastic properties in metals under multiple compressions O. V. Dmitriev
66 |
Some model problems in the dynamics of a hopping apparatus V. V. Beletskii, A. V. Dolganov, O. P. Salimova
69 |
On the solution of heat conduction equation outside two contacting spheres O. O. Olaru
73 |
Screw dislocation in a hollow circular cylinder of finite length I. L. Glazova
76 |
Scientific research seminar on algebra
80 |
Scientific research seminars of the Sexion of Control and Applied Mechanics
81 |
Scientific research seminar on composites mechanics
83 |
Boris Vladimirovich Gnedenko (on his 80th birthday) O. B. Lupanov, Yu. K. Belyaev, A. D. Solov'ev, L. G. Afanas'eva, E. V. Bulinskaya, Yu. N. Tyurin
86 |
Otto Yulievich Schmidt (on the centenary of his birthday) A. I. Kostrikin
90 |