Research Papers
A Bloch electron in an external field V. S. Buslaev, L. A. Dmitrieva
1 |
Almost cocommutative Hopf algebras V. G. Drinfeld
30 |
A resonance valence bond in quasicrystals A. N. Kirillov, V. E. Korepin
47 |
Algebro-geometric solutions of gravitation equations D. A. Korotkin, V. B. Matveev
77 |
A trace formula for a three-particle system in an external electric field V. V. Kostrykin, S. P. Merkur'ev
103 |
Triviality of harmonic mappings of finite energy of the Euclidean spaces $R^m$, $m>3$, into Riemannian manifolds O. A. Ladyzhenskaya
114 |
Analytic integrals of a semistandard mapping, and separatrix splitting V. F. Lazutkin
116 |
Shift group and harmonic analysis on a Riemann surface of genus one B. S. Pavlov, S. I. Fedorov
132 |
Quasitriangular Hopf algebras and invariants of links N. Yu. Reshetikhin
169 |
Quantization of integrable models in infinite volume. The nonlinear Schrödinger equation E. K. Sklyanin
189 |
Lattices in algebraic number fields and uniform distribution mod 1 M. M. Skriganov
207 |
Book Reviews
The Hamiltonian approach in the theory of solitons. L. A. Takhtajan, L. D. Faddeev. M.: Nauka, 1986. 528 p. V. E. Zakharov, M. K. Polivanov
229 |