Modern methods for automatic analysis of images A. V. Kalevatykh, B. A. Pavlov
3 |
Deterministic Systems
Optimal moving control for small rotations of a spacecraft. II. Optimal synthesis M. M. Zhechev
22 |
On necessary and sufficient conditions of asymptotically stable nonautonomous nonlinear dynamic systems V. P. Zhukov
29 |
Stochastic Systems
Filtration of stochastic processes for continuous and discrete observations with memory. I. Basic nonlinear filtration equation O. L. Abakumova, N. S. Demin, T. V. Sushko
49 |
Asymptotically optimal methods in a problem for the fastest detection of a change point. I. Characteristics of methods for the fastest detection of a change point B. E. Brodskii
60 |
Adaptive and Robust Systems
On regularization of algorithms of information processing in control problems V. M. Ageev, N. V. Pavlova, V. V. Petrov
73 |
Synthesis of adaptive optimal control systems for stochastic objects from a forecast model Yu. G. Bulychev, A. A. Manin
81 |
Gain margin for a cascade of uncertain components O. N. Kiselev, B. T. Polyak
93 |
An algorithmic basis of optimal adaptive controllers of a new class A. A. Krasovskii
104 |
Developing Systems
Optimal incentive mechanisms in an active system with probabilistic uncertainty. I A. K. Enaleev, D. A. Novikov
117 |
Simulation of Behavior and Intelligence
Local approximation on artificial neural networks A. V. Butsev, A. A. Pervozvanskii
127 |
Synthesis of dynamically programmable universal modules using switching functions in Galois fields $GF(2^m)$ I. N. Aleksandrov, V. M. Kotov, N. M. Nikityuk
137 |
Computers in Control
Analysis of the delta network with shared buffers under nonuniform load G. P. Basharin, O. V. Zhukov
149 |
Estimation of the throughput of distributed information-processing systems of the client–server architecture L. B. Boguslavskii, A. I. Lyakhov
160 |
Parallelization of recurrent loops with conditional statements B. Ya. Shteinberg
176 |
A mathematical model for elaborating the equipment outfit for plants employing a complex technological cycle L. D. Natanzon
185 |