Linear Systems
Design of controllers by the indices of precision and speed. IV. Method of diagonal domination A. G. Aleksandrov
3 |
The control problem for stage-by-stage changing linear systems of loaded differential equations V. R. Barseghyan
19 |
Nonlinear Systems
On the test Volterra equations of the first kind in the integral models of developing systems A. S. Apartsyn, I. V. Sidler
31 |
Stochastic Systems
Efficiency of a two-channel system with restructuring and insurance S. S. Rasova, B. P. Harlamov
46 |
Estimating the probability of an event related to the moment when a random process first reaches a given level S. L. Semakov, I. S. Semakov
65 |
Control in Technical Systems
Optimal management of oil field development in the Buckley–Leverett model A. V. Akhmetzianov, A. G. Kushner, V. V. Lychagin
75 |
Generation of alternative solutions in the redundancy management problem for hardware complexes I. F. Gamayunov
92 |
Sum codes with efficient detection of twofold errors for organization of concurrent error-detection systems of logical devices V. V. Dmitriev, D. V. Efanov, V. V. Sapozhnikov, Vl. V. Sapozhnikov
105 |
Control in Social Economic Systems
On computing the price of financial instruments in foreign currency R. V. Ivanov
123 |
Management of regional development: investments, human potential, perfection of institutional structure V. G. Kleparskii, V. E. Sheinis
138 |
Intellectual Control Systems, Data Analysis
Stackelberg equilibrium in a dynamic stimulation model with complete information D. B. Rokhlin, G. A. Ougolnitsky
152 |