Congratulations to Academician Vladimir Petrovich Platonov with discussion
gold medals named after P. L. Chebyshev 2022
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Volterra integral equation with power nonlinearity S. N. Askhabov
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On critical lattices of the unit sphere Yu. A. Basalov
20 |
On the uniform distribution of remainders in the expression of real numbers over a multiplicative system numbers A. K. Giyasi, I. P. Mikhailov, V. N. Chubarikov
38 |
Some results for weighted Bernstein–Nikol'skii constants D. V. Gorbachev, N. N. Dobrovol'skii
45 |
Entropy for some monoids of natural numbers N. N. Dobrovolskii, I. Yu. Rebrova, N. M. Dobrovolskii
57 |
The Fermat–Torricelli problem in the case of three-point sets in normed planes D. A. Ilyukhin
72 |
On simultaneous approximations to the logarithms of primes M. A. Korolev, I. S. Rezvyakova
87 |
Reducing smooth functions to normal forms near critical points A. S. Orevkova
101 |
The Ritz method for solving partial differential equations using number-theoretic grids A. V. Rodionov
117 |
On the number of lattice points of linear comparison solutions in rectangular areas N. K. Ter-Gukasova, M. N. Dobrovol'skii, N. N. Dobrovol'skii, N. M. Dobrovol'skii
130 |
On the intersection of two homogeneous Beatty sequences A. V. Begunts, D. V. Goryashin
145 |
About the continuity of one operation with convex compacts in finite–dimensional normed spaces A. Kh. Galstyan
152 |
Dimensional analysis of powders obtained by electroerosive dispersion of tungsten-titanium-cobalt hard alloy in kerosene E. V. Ageev, V. O. Podanov, A. E. Ageeva, S. N. Kutepov, O. V. Kuzovleva
161 |
On the design of scientific awareness systems in the field of the history of mathematics using multi-agent technologies E. M. Bogatov, A. V. Korenev, I. S. Mikhailov
172 |
Empirical mathematical model of change in the actual contact area of metals depending on the friction path A. D. Breki, V. A. Yakhimovich, S. G. Chulkin, A. A. Moskalets, I. A. Shulgin, E. B. Sedakova, Yu. G. Barabanshchikov, S. N. Kutepov, O. V. Kuzovleva
188 |
Regularities of sliding friction of grey cast iron bodies in lubricating media depending on the sliding speed A. D. Breki, D. V. Zimin, S. G. Chulkin, A. A. Moskalets, I. A. Shulgin, E. B. Sedakova, Yu. V. Galyshev, S. N. Kutepov, O. V. Kuzovleva
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Application of number-theoretic grids in problems of sound diffraction by elastic bodies N. N. Dobrovol'skii, S. A. Skobel'tsyn, L. A. Tolokonnikov, N. V. Larin
206 |
Recognition of anomalies of an a priori unknown type A. O. Ivanov, G. V. Nosovskiy, V. A. Kibkalo, M. A. Nikulin, F. Yu. Popelensky, D. A. Fedoseev, I. V. Gribushin, V. V. Zlobin, S. S. Kuzin, I. L. Mazurenko
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On the behavior of hydrogen in metal alloys S. N. Kutepov, A. E. Gvozdev, O. V. Kuzovleva, D. S. Klementyev
241 |
Study and use of recursive algorithms in computer science teacher training Yu. M. Martynyuk, V. S. Vankova, S. V. Danilenko
258 |
Development of the conceptual provisions of the qualitative theory R. R. Mukhin
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Methodology of simulation modeling of pedagogical systems E. N. Nadezhdin, I. L. Fedotenko, E. E. Smirnova
291 |
Transmission of spherical sound wave through an elastic plate with an inhomogeneous coating L. A. Tolokonnikov, T. S. Nguyen
305 |
Tensor theory of deformation damage N. D. Tutyshkin, V. Yu. Travin
320 |
To the 90th anniversary of Professor Alexander Sergeevich Simonov (04.09.1932 - 20.02.2013) N. M. Dobrovolsky, I. V. Denisov, I. V. Dobrynina, E. V. Manokhin
337–347 |
To memory of Alexander Vasilyevich Mikhalev I. N. Balaba, S. S. Demidov, N. M. Dobrovol'skii, N. N. Dobrovol'skii, I. A. Ivanov-Pogodaev, A. Ya. Kanel-Belov, Yu. V. Nesterenko, I. Yu. Rebrova, A. L. Semenov, A. A. Fomin, V. G. Chirskii, V. N. Chubarikov
348–350 |