Flows of equal magnitude across a transportation network V. G. Vizing
1209 |
Approximation of a plane wave by superpositions of plane waves with given directions B. A. Vostretsov, M. A. Kreines
1212 |
On domains which are star-like relative to a sphere V. P. Glushko
1215 |
Relations between zero-dimensional mappings, universal spaces, dimensionality, open zero-dimensional
mappings and inverse spectra B. Pasynkov
1217 |
The Cauchy problem for second-order parabolic equations with increasing coefficients L. N. Prokopenko
1221 |
On the determination of the state of a non-linear control system in phase space Ya. N. Roitenberg
1225 |
Statistical approach to methods of approximate calculation. Efficient quadrature formulas L. A. Khalfin
1229 |
Evolute surfaces of the dual-normalized 2-space $D_2$ in $E_4$ A. V. Chakmazyan
1233 |
Formulation of tests for block networks V. V. Glagolev
1237 |
$p$-adic method in the theory of sequences A. G. Lunts
1241 |
On comparing the complexity of the realizations of monotonic functions by contact networks containing
only closing contacts and by arbitrary contact networks O. B. Lupanov
1245 |
Optimization of control systems and the theory of $K(D)$-transforms G. M. Ulanov
1249 |
The relaxation boundary layer effect V. N. Zhigulev
1251 |
Reversibility theorem for nearly free-molecular flows M. N. Kogan
1255 |
A statistic description of a turbulent jet A. G. Prudnikov, V. N. Sagalovich
1258 |
The mechanism behind the acceleration of the flame on the transition of normal burning to detonation L. N. Pyatnitskiĭ
1262 |
Some ideas on the crack zone and the crack front V. P. Koryavov
1266 |
Electron absorption spectrum of some bichromate crystals at low temperatures. Interpretation of spectra N. K. Bel'skii, Ch. K. Mukhtarov
1269 |
Ultrasound velocity measurement in highly dense gases L. F. Vereshchagin, N. A. Yuzefovich, A. V. Chelovskii
1272 |
The manifestation of the optical properties of an object in the wave field of the radiation it scatters Yu. N. Denisyuk
1275 |
Analytic properties of the amplitude of an elastic $\pi\pi$-scattering in the $l$-plane G. Domokosh
1279 |
The influence of superconducting type of paired correlations on the rate of $\alpha$-decays V. G. Solov'ev
1281 |
The electro-seismic effect M. S. Antsiferov
1295 |
Syntheses of organo-metallic compounds through organo-magnesium compounds in the absence of ethers L. I. Zakharkin, O. Yu. Okhlobystin, B. N. Strunin
1299 |
The mechanism of aminonitryl regrouping B. V. Ioffe, K. N. Zelenin
1303 |
Production and study of a homogeneous polymeric membrane having complexing properties V. A. Kargin, A. A. Efendiev, E. P. Cherneva, N. N. Tunitskii
1307 |
The synthesis of vinyl chloride by the chlorination of ethylene in the boiling catalyst layer Yu. G. Mamedaliev, Mageram Mamedov, M. M. Guseinov, M. R. Sharifova, F. A. Mekhtieva
1309 |
Selective reduction of 6-methylhept-3,5-dienone-2 by trialkoxy- and trialkyl-silanhydrides M. A. Miropol'skaya, S. Ya. Mel'nik, T. Fradkina, G. I. Samokhvalov, A. D. Petrov
1312 |
Normal orthophosphate of niobium I. V. Tananaev, G. B. Seifer
1314 |
Quasiradical block copolymerization A. A. Berlin, V. A. Vonsyatskii, B. I. Liogon'kii
1316 |
Measurement of differential capacitance on solid and liquid electrodes D. I. Leikis, È. S. Sevast'yanov
1320 |
Поправки к статье “Об усиленном законе больших чисел для неоднородных цепей Маркова” (ДАН, т. 141, № 6, 1961 г.) M. Rosenblatt-Roth