On the number-theoretic basis of probabilistic number theory M. B. Barban, A. I. Vinogradov
495 |
Functors in the category of locally convex spaces G. Kh. Berman
497 |
Invariance of certain spaces associated with the operator $A-\lambda I$ M. A. Gol'dman, S. N. Krachkovskii
500 |
Approximation of continuous functions by harmonic functions A. A. Gonchar
503 |
Solutions of the word problem for a class of groups by Dehn's algorithm and of the conjugacy
problem by a generalization of Dehn's algorithm M. Grindlinger
507 |
Some properties of moduli in space V. V. Krivov
510 |
Remarks on the Fisher–Welch–Wald test Yu. V. Linnik
514 |
On complete systems of non-decreasing general recursive functions A. M. Mikenberg
517 |
A best-possible estimate of trigonometric sums for recurrent functions with non-constant coefficients V. I. Nechaev
520 |
Transformations of the Dirichlet integral and space mappings I. S. Ovchinnikov, G. D. Suvorov
523 |
Conjugate Banach spaces containing subspaces of characteristic zero Yu. I. Petunin
527 |
A theorem on the density of finite functions in the space $L_{p,a}^{(m)}(E_n)$ V. R. Portnov
530 |
On the inverse problem for the metaharmonic potential A. I. Prilepko
534 |
Projectivities of semi-lattices L. N. Shevrin
538 |
On groups which are decomposable into a uniform product of their $p$-subgroups V. P. Shunkov
542 |
A system of commands for a three-address machine without address register G. M. Adel'son-Vel'skii, A. L. Brudno, A. S. Kronrod, P. T. Reznikovskii
545 |
The method of computing a point explosion in gases V. P. Korobeinikov, P. I. Chushkin
549 |
Pulse pressures in the zone of the secondary focus of erosion due to cavitation K. K. Shal'nev, N. P. Rubina
553 |
The investigation mechanism for the 3C 273-B galaxy V. L. Ginzburg, L. M. Ozernoi, S. I. Syrovatsky
557 |
The effect of pressure on the infrared absorption spectrum of benzene Yu. A. Klyuev
561 |
A spinor formula for the gravitational field G. A. Sokolik
565 |
Critical magnetic field and anomalous diffusion in slightly ionized plasma A. M. Fridman
567 |
Scattering of light, fluorescence and transient phenomena P. P. Shorygin, L. L. Krushinsky
571 |
Chromium chalcogenosulphides S. S. Batsanov, L. M. Doronina, N. V. Podberezskaya
624 |
Induced reactivity of certain compounds having a conjugate system, when interacting with 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl A. A. Berlin, V. A. Vonsyatskii
627 |
Thermal destruction of polyformaldehyde A. B. Blumenfeld, M. B. Neiman, B. M. Kovarskaya
631 |
Aluminium phosphates $\mathrm{Al}_2\mathrm{O}_3\cdot3\mathrm{P}_2\mathrm{O}_5$ and the
interaction of $\mathrm{Al}_4(\mathrm{P}_4\mathrm{O}_{12})_3$ with fused potassium chloride Ya. V. Klyucharov, L. I. Skoblo
634 |
Some bond strength characteristics of the compounds $\mathrm{Ti}_6\mathrm{O}$
and $\mathrm{Ti}_3\mathrm{O}$, formed from $\alpha$-solid solutions of the titanium – oxygen system I. I. Kornilov, V. V. Glazova
638 |
The effect of $\gamma$-radiation on glucosamine N. K. Kochetkov, L. I. Kudryashov, T. M. Senchenkova
642 |
Acylation of cyclopentadienylrheniumtricarbonyl A. N. Nesmeyanov, K. N. Anisimov, N. E. Kolobova, L. I. Baryshnikov
646 |
Interaction between the chlorides of aluminium and beryllium K. N. Semenenko, T. N. Naumova, L. N. Gorokhov, A. V. Novoselova
648 |
The hydrolysis kinetics of certain $\mathrm{N}$-glycosides B. N. Stepanenko, V. A. Ignatyuk-Maistrenko, M. G. Chentsova
650 |
The synthesis of calcium borohydride L. V. Titov
654 |
Reactivity of aldehydes in the hydrate form. Interaction of chloralhydrate with some vinyl ethers M. F. Shostakovskii, A. S. Atavin, G. V. Lenskikh, M. L. Alpert
657 |
Low-temperature relaxation processes in rubberlike polymers G. M. Bartenev, Yu. V. Zelenev
661 |
A contribution to the theory of electrosolution of films from the surface of an indifferent electrode H. Z. Brainina
665 |
The mechanism by which molecular products are formed in water radiolysis V. M. Byakov, B. V. Èrschler
669 |
Electron microscope investigation of the catalyzed crystallization of
$\mathrm{Li}_2\mathrm{O}$ – $\mathrm{Al}_2\mathrm{O}_3$ – $\mathrm{SiO}_2$ glasses V. N. Vertsner, N. E. Kind, E. M. Milyukov, G. P. Tikhomirov
673 |
The mechanism of austenite formation on a rapid heating of alloyed steels V. N. Gridnev, V. N. Minakov, V. I. Trefilov
675 |
The rate of thermal decomposition of unsaturated organosilicon peroxides A. K. Litkovets, T. I. Yurzhenko
679 |
Quasidiffusion surface waves in polarography S. G. Mairanovskii
683 |
Spin density distribution in metal ketyls containing methyl groups I. D. Morozova, M. E. Dyatkina
687 |
The kinetic characteristics of exothermal reactions in the condensed phase, as dependent on the temperature B. V. Novozhilov
690 |
A hydrophobic hydrogen-silica adsorbent with a $\mathrm{Si}$ – $\mathrm{H}$ bond (the xerogel of hydridepolysiloxane) I. B. Slinyakova, G. B. Budkevich, I. E. Neimark
692 |
Поправки к статье “О квазипроективных классах моделей” (ДАН, т. 148, № 3, 1963 г.) S. R. Kogalovskii