Analytic approach to the problem of equations of the first kind Yu. T. Antokhin
727 |
Approximation of functions by the Fourier–Jacobi sums V. M. Badkov
731 |
Difference schemes with linearization of fronts for solution of multifront problems of Stefan type B. M. Budak, N. L. Gol'dman, A. B. Uspenskii
735 |
A numerical method for finding asymptotically stable solutions of systems of ordinary differential equations A. I. Kononenko, V. D. Milman
739 |
The behavior of a three-dimensional quasiconformal mapping on plane sections of the region of definition A. P. Kopylov
743 |
Some criteria for the completeness of the system of root-vectors of a linear operator in space with two norms I. A. Novosel'skii
747 |
The uniqueness of a solution of an inverse problem represented by an integral equation of the first kind A. I. Prilepko
751 |
The question of stability of small periodic solutions T. Sabirov
755 |
Countably additive vector-measures L. Ya. Savel'ev
758 |
Dissipative operators with an absolutely continuous spectrum L. A. Sakhnovich
760 |
Certain classes of functions analytic in multiple Hartogs regions A. F. Shadrov
764 |
Representation of topological semigroups by continuous transformations L. B. Shneperman
768 |
An algorithm for a rapid determination of the pseudo-maxima of a function given on an integer lattice in the case of bounded memory G. M. Adel'son-Vel'skii, A. A. Leman
772 |
Investigation of the buckling of bars under impact A. S. Vol'mir, I. G. Kil'dibekov
775 |
Magnetohydrodynamic instabilities in an electric explosion K. B. Abramova, V. P. Valitskii, Yu. V. Vandakurov, N. A. Zlatin, B. P. Peregud
778 |
Selenium as a polymeric semiconductor and its conduction mechanism G. M. Aliev, D. Sh. Abdinov, S. I. Mekhtieva
782 |
Gauss-quantummeter, a new instrument to determine the intensity of $\gamma$-radiation A. P. Komar, S. P. Kruglov, I. V. Lopatin
785 |
Anisotropy of atomic displacements in the crystal lattice of the alpha-phase of carbon steel irradiated by neutrons V. K. Kritskaya, V. A. Il'ina, A. P. Kuznetsova, B. V. Sharov
789 |
On the unitarity of the $S$-matrix in the disturbed $SL(6)$ symmetry Nguyễn Văn Hiêu, A. N. Tavkhelidze
792 |
Two parallel carrier capture mechanisms for a single recombination centre M. K. Sheĭnkman, A. V. Lyubchenko
795 |
On the possibility of taking into account three-particle forces in the relativistic problem of three-body scattering V. P. Shelest
799 |
Radiation of ionosphere layers in the infrared region M. N. Markov, Ya. I. Merson, M. R. Shamilev
803 |
Oceanic circulation and Ekman's problem A. I. Felzenbaum
807 |