On a problem of A. F. Leont'ev A. V. Bratishchev
265 |
The spectrum and decompositions of a critical point of a function A. N. Varchenko
267 |
Extension of local mappings of pseudoconvex surfaces A. G. Vitushkin, V. V. Ezhov, N. G. Kruzhilin
271 |
On an aspect of the uniqueness problem for second-order parabolic equations L. I. Kamynin, B. N. Khimchenko
274 |
The diameter and radius of the transportation polyhedron M. K. Kravtsov
278 |
Sequential confidence sets I. V. Pavlov
282 |
The Dirichlet problem for generalized solutions of a multidimensional Monge-Ampère equation of elliptic type A. V. Pogorelov
285 |
Generalization of Calderón projections and boundary equations on the basis of the notion of precise trace V. S. Ryaben'kii
288 |
On the general boundary value problem for a parabolic system S. I. Temirbulatov
292 |
Program synthesis for a stochastic differential game V. E. Tret'yakov
297 |
Adaptive suboptimal control of solutions of linear difference equations V. A. Bondarko
301 |
Synthesis of dynamic algorithms for manipulation robot
motion control P. D. Krut'ko, N. A. Lakota, Y. P. Popov
303 |
Development of a mathematical model of hydroelastic processes in the problem of infarcts I. F. Obraztsov, G. G. Avtandilov, A. S. Vol'mir, M. M. Suleimanova
306 |
On solving the inverse potential problem in the case of two-dimensional layered
media V. M. Devitsyn
309 |
Representation of the gravitational field using a hypercomplex potential G. L. Shpilker
313 |
Black holes in neutrino fields L. Yu. Blazhennova-Mikulich
317 |
Spatial averaging method for description of polydisperse systems based on generalization of an integral formula depending on a parameter V. V. Kafarov, I. N. Dorokhov, È. M. Koltsova, Le Suan Khaĭ
321 |
Forced vibrations of an infinite elastic plate P. E. Krasnushkin
325 |