Asymptotic estimation of the spectral function of an elliptic
operator R. R. Ashurov
265 |
On precise asymptotics of the eigenvalues for two classes of differential operators in $\mathbf{R}^d$ V. Ya. Ivrii
268 |
Estimates of anti-a priori type for eigen- and associated
functions of certain differential operators N. Yu. Kapustin
271 |
A boundary value problem for second-order elliptic equations in
the presence of singularities at isolated boundary points I. A. Kipriyanov, V. V. Katrakhov
274 |
Characterization of Chebyshev systems and sufficient conditions
for their nonextendability L. G. Labsker
277 |
Asymptotic behavior of the spectrum of problems with constraints S. Z. Levendorskii
282 |
Pulse optimal control of linear systems with distributed parameters S. I. Lyashko
285 |
A problem of J.-L. Lions Yu. S. Osipov, A. P. Suetov
288 |
Germs on $\mathbf{C}P^1\times\mathbf{C}P^1$ of holomorphic vector bundles on $\mathbf{C}P^3\times\mathbf{C}P^3$ trivial on $\mathbf{C}P^1\times\mathbf{C}P^1$ D. A. Ponomarev
292 |
An inverse problem for $\mathscr{P}_n$-approximation of the kinetic transport equation V. G. Romanov, S. I. Kabanikhin, K. Boboev
296 |
The method of the alternating Pontryagin integral in linear
differential games with variable structure E. A. Semina
299 |
Analyticity of functions from the class $L_1$ satisfying the Cauchy–Riemann conditions G. Kh. Sindalovskii
303 |
Behavior of solutions of boundary value problems for nonlinear
equations with coefficients of arbitrary growth with unbounded increase
in the order of equations Tran Duc Van
305 |
Operator-differential equations on the half-axis and related
spectral problems for selfadjoint operator pencils A. A. Shkalikov
309 |
The linearized multidimensional inverse Lamb problem V. G. Yakhno
314 |
Compressibility effects in displacement of water and oil by gas P. G. Bedrikovetskii, R. D. Kanevskaya, M. V. Lur'e
319 |
Double-layer model of the night-side Venusian ionosphere formation from the radio occultation data I. K. Osmolovskii, N. A. Savich, L. N. Samoznaev
325 |
The experience in the Kola Peninsula MHD-sounding data interpretation based on the electromagnetic field migration method E. P. Velikhov, M. S. Zhdanov, M. A. Frenkel'
329 |
On the statistical foundation of the atmosphere regional pollution components in background region Yu. A. Izrael, F. Ya. Rovinskii, M. Ya. Antonovskii, V. M. Buchstaber, E. A. Zelenyuk, Yu. P. Cherkhanov
334 |
Postulates of the special theory of relativity in the framework of
formalization of the unity of elastic and electromagnetic fields G. L. Shpilker
338 |
Periodic solutions in a model of pulsar rotation O. I. Bogoyavlenskii
343 |
Wave operators for semigroups and transition functions V. D. Koshmanenko
347 |
A hydrodynamic analogue of the problem of motion of a rigid body
with a fixed point in a Lorentz force field V. V. Lunev
351 |
Constants of Kneser type and effective masses for zone potentials F. S. Rofe-Beketov
356 |
Photophase effect M. V. Alfimov, I. L. Aptekar, A. E. Galashin, E. A. Galashin, V. F. Razumov, V. M. Fridkin
360 |
On the sequence of bifurcations of the movement of strange
attractors during their splitting in case of simple systems R. L. Stratonovich, E. S. Nikolaevskii
363 |