Some properties of the solutions of the first boundary value
problem for parabolic equations with discontinuous coefficients Yu. A. Alkhutov, I. T. Mamedov
11 |
Arithmetic conditions for solvability of nonlinear systems of
Diophantine equations G. I. Arkhipov, V. N. Chubarikov
16 |
Multidimensional inverse problems of spectral analysis A. L. Bukhgeim
21 |
A relationship between algorithmic problems and entropy
characteristics of groups R. I. Grigorchuk
24 |
Equations that are related to the Korteweg-de Vries equation V. G. Drinfeld, V. V. Sokolov
29 |
Conjugate functions of several variables and multiple conjugate
trigonometric series L. V. Zhizhiashvili
34 |
Estimates for percolation thresholds for lattices in $R^n$ M. V. Men'shikov
36 |
Phenomenological and group symmetries in the geometry of two sets (theory of physical structures) G. G. Mikhailichenko
39 |
Stabilization of solutions of a perturbed wave equation L. A. Muravei
43 |
Conservatism of finite-difference schemes V. V. Ostapenko
47 |
On the asymptotics of the spectrum of a transport operator in the
plane-parallel case M. Otelbaev
51 |
Estimation of the spectral function corresponding to an expansion
in a multiple system of exponentials Ya. Sh. Salimov
53 |
Inverse spectral problems for systems of equations L. A. Sakhnovich
57 |
Szegő limit theorems in the case of a matrix locally sectorial symbol I. M. Spitkovsky
61 |
Stability and approximation of generalized attainability sets A. V. Lotov
66 |
On a macroscopic method of entropy determination for non equilibrium
states A. G. Kulikovskii, M. È. Èglit
70 |
A new method for solving boundary value problems of continuum
mechanics and mathematical physics for nonclassical domains V. A. Babeshko
73 |
On the dynamics of change in composition of Koshabulak structure underground
waters in the period of preparation of the Gazli earthquake of Mars 19, 1984 G. I. Voitov, M. B. Gokhberg, I. G. Kissin, Ya. A. Khodzhakuliev, S. Sh. Sheberdyev, K. B. Berdyev, V. Ya. Serdyukov
77 |
Effective thermoelastic moduli of two-phase composites with ellipsoidal inclusions M. A. Grinfel'd, S. L. Langman
81 |
On the earthquake frequency-magnitude variations with depth V. A. Kalinin, M. V. Rodkin
87 |
Relief of the upper mantle surface and main features of the Earth Northern Hemisphere crust N. Ya. Kunin, N. V. Goncharova, S. V. Usenko
89 |
An inverse problem for forced harmonic oscillations of Rayleigh
type V. M. Markushevich
94 |
Integrated study of environment with radiophyskal methods V. P. Shestopalov, A. I. Kalmykov, V. A. Komyak, A. S. Kurekin, A. P. Pichugin, A. S. Gavrilenko, A. P. Evdokimov, L. V. Elenskii, V. B. Efimov, V. I. Zeldis, V. V. Igolkin, S. S. Kavelin, Yu. A. Kuleshov, V. Yu. Levantovskii, A. S. Levda, Yu. G. Spiridonov, P. M. Torchun, A. B. Fetisov, V. N. Tsymbal, S. A. Shilo, S. E. Yatsevich
98 |
Representation of a three-dimensional vector field by scalar potentials Ya. B. Zel'dovich, A. A. Ruzmaikin, D. D. Sokoloff
103 |
Scattering of many particles in an external electric field E. L. Korotyaev
107 |
The Darboux transformation for a discrete analogue of Silin–Tikhonchuk equations S. B. Leble, M. A. Sall'
110 |
Stability of two-dimensional solitary waves of the Kadomtsev–Petviashvili equation S. K. Zhdanov
115 |
Crystal structure of $\mathrm{Ba}_3\mathrm{WO}_5\mathrm{Cl}_2$ V. I. Spitsyn, V. L. Balashov, A. L. Harlanov, L. N. Lukova, L. M. Kovba
125 |
Structure of ternary molybdate, $\mathrm{LiMgIn}(\mathrm{MoO}_4)_3$ Z. I. Khazheeva, M. V. Mohosoev, N. N. Smirnyagina, N. M. Kozhevnikova, F. P. Alekseev, V. I. Simonov
128 |
Crystal structure of $1$-[$1$-($2$-oxaperhydroazepino)ethyl] silatrane V. E. Shklover, Yu. È. Ovchinnikov, Yu. T. Struchkov, V. M. Kopylov, T. G. Kovyazina, M. G. Voronkov
131 |