The linear programming problem with element-wise specification of
errors in the initial data G. M. Agayan
265 |
Complete solution of the Szőkefalvi-Nagy problem for zonohedra È. D. Baladze
269 |
Estimates for the closeness of Gaussian measures S. S. Barsov, V. V. Ulyanov
273 |
Cubic subcomplexes in regular lattices N. P. Dolbilin, M. A. Shtan'ko, M. I. Shtogrin
277 |
Automaton models of Turing machines V. A. Zakharov
280 |
Inequalities of Bessel and Hausdorff–Young–Riesz type for functions from a class of functions that are radial in a system of eigenfunctions of the Laplace operator V. A. Il'in, I. Jo
284 |
Existence and uniqueness of the $L_2$-solution of the Tricomi
problem for a parabolic-hyperbolic equation N. Yu. Kapustin
288 |
Questions of Keisler and Morley K. Zh. Kudaibergenov
292 |
Convergence of S. A. Khristianovich's approximate method for solving the Dirichlet problem for an elliptic equation R. M. Nasyrov, S. R. Nasyrov
294 |
On embedding theorems for weighted anisotropic spaces of differentiable functions Yu. S. Nikol'skii
298 |
Lie–Bäcklund groups of certain model equations of continuum mechanics and classical fields N. R. Sibgatullin
302 |
A class of solutions of boundary value problems for thermoelastic anisotropic shells I. F. Obraztsov, B. V. Nerubailo
306 |
A mechanism of lithosphere horizontal movements I. L. Gufel'd
310 |
The evaluation of the crushing meteoric body densities based on the observed
meteor deceleration V. N. Lebedinets
313 |
The variational principle and equations of relativistic hydrodynamics in locally anisotropic space G. Yu. Bogoslovskii
317 |
The inverse scattering problem for wave beams in an inhomogeneous
layer A. A. Goncharenko, V. F. Kravchenko, V. I. Ponomarev
320 |
On the resonant interaction of capillary-gravity waves in a two-dimensional case V. V. Kosyanchuk
323 |
On the theory of spiral and concentric waves in active media B. A. Malomed
327 |
Nonlinear artifacts in tomography V. P. Palamodov
333 |
Phonon electrical resistivity of the cubic $5d$-metals. Relativistic calculation V. N. Antonov, A. V. Zhalko-Titarenko, V. V. Nemoshkalenko
337 |
Polarization phenomena taking place during the electron and photon
scattering by adrons with arbitrary spin A. I. Akhiezer, M. P. Rekalo
341 |
Crystal structure of $\mathrm{Ga}_2(\mathrm{SeO}_3)_3\cdot3\mathrm{H}_2\mathrm{O}$ R. K. Rastsvetaeva, V. I. Andrianov, A. N. Volodina
352 |