Monotone iterative processes for operator equations in partially
ordered spaces V. V. Vasin
7 |
Singular integral operators with piecewise-continuous coefficients
in reflexive Orlicz spaces A. Yu. Karlovich
10 |
On the construction of adaptive grids by a projection method V. D. Liseikin, V. E. Petrenko
13 |
Solution of the Helmholtz equation with a complex parameter and
the realization of the Fourier transform by the Monte Carlo method G. A. Mikhailov, B. V. Men'shchikov
17 |
The problem of the composition of constructive transrecursive
operators V. G. Naidenko
20 |
Iterative cluster aggregation methods for systems of linear
equations A. A. Samarskii, P. N. Vabishchevich
22 |
Nontrivial solutions and bifurcation points of the Vlasov–Maxwell
system N. A. Sidorov, A. V. Sinitsyn
26 |
A generalized quadratic programming problem V. V. Dicusar
29 |
An estimate for the reachable sets of linear systems with an
indefinite matrix F. L. Chernous'ko
32 |
Signals with a minimum harmful spectrum V. A. Kotel'nikov
35 |
Variation of electrical conductivity of anisotropic metal by polarized light V. V. Ragulsky
38 |
Mathematical models of landslide flows S. S. Grigoryan, È. F. Khairetdinov
42 |
The invariance principle and attracting sets for autonomous
systems V. M. Matrosov, I. A. Finogenko
46 |
Probabilistic phenomenological approach to seismodynamics. General principles G. A. Gusev, I. L. Gufel'd
100 |
Main regularities of intradiurnal wind variations in the lower thermosphere of the South pole Yu. I. Pornyagin, J. M. Forbes, N. A. Makarov, E. G. Merzlyakov
104 |
A generalization of Ertel's hydrodynamic theorem J. Seco Santos, A. Calvo Redondo, È. S. Kazimirovsky
106 |
On the climatic variations of the upper and middle atmosphere A. I. Semenov, N. N. Shefov, L. M. Fishkova, E. V. Lysenko, S. P. Perov, G. V. Givishvili, L. N. Leshchenko, N. P. Sergeenko
108 |