Some spectral properties of ordinary differential operators generated by noncoercive forms K. Kh. Boimatov, K. Seddighi
439 |
Some families of discrete extremal problems on unbounded locally
compact metric spaces I. A. Bykadorov, G. Sh. Rubinshtein
443 |
On the coincidence of cores and coordinated allocations in mixed
economic systems V. A. Vasil'ev
446 |
On a spectral problem from the theory of the parabolic-hyperbolic
heat equation N. Yu. Kapustin, E. I. Moiseev
451 |
Estimates for the norms of projections onto hyperplanes in
rearrangement-invariant spaces S. A. Kuzin-Aleksinskii, E. M. Semenov, K. Franketti
455 |
Asymptotic behavior of solutions of a problem in elasticity theory
for a three-dimensional body with thin extensions S. A. Nazarov
458 |
On the maximum principle for an elliptic equation on a
two-dimensional cellular complex O. M. Penkin
462 |
Asymptotic behavior of solutions of quasilinear parabolic problems
in punctured domains I. V. Skrypnik
466 |
On mechanism of Gross excitonic luminescence in semiconductor $\mathrm{A}_3\mathrm{B}_5$ doped with izovalentic impurities P. Kh. Khabibullaev, S. Z. Zainabiddinov, S. A. Islamov, B. L. Oksengendler
470 |
Fluid flow reaction on the pressure distribution in the percolation model of two-liquid filtration A. R. Kessel
472 |
A new asymptotic method for computing reinforced constructions
taking into account the discreteness of the distributed rods and their
widths I. V. Andrianov
474 |
Inversion of a two-phase state of a liquid under a pulse loading V. K. Kedrinskii, A. S. Besov, I. È. Gutnik
477 |
Lagrange expansions and nontrivial representations of zero over
homogeneous solutions M. D. Kovalenko
480 |
Mathematical modelling of hydrocarbon filtration processes in sedimentary basins G. I. Kazakevich, L. I. Lobkovsky, A. Kh. Pergament, Yu. A. Poveschenko, Yu. P. Popov, N. A. Simus
527 |
An opportunity evaluation of gas throw out during gas hydrates decomposition in reservoirs A. M. Maksimov, V. S. Yakushev, E. M. Chuvilin
532 |
Reconstruction of the horizontal movement Earth's crust Urals
on the space-time analysis paleoaccumulation erosion areas A. Ovcharenko
535 |
On the influence of lithosphere fracturing rate on seismicity P. O. Sobolev
541 |