Ordinary Differential Equations
Uniform approximations to the solutions of certain singularly perturbed nonlinear equations Yu. P. Boglaev, A. V. Zhdanov, V. G. Stel'makh
395 |
A necessary condition for the system of eigen- and associated functions of an ordinary differential operator to be a basis in $L_2(0,1)$ S. K. Voronina
407 |
Correctness of an optimal control problem with a variable right end and an integral quadratic efficiency criterion T. R. Gichev
418 |
The complex centers and foci of a second order differential equation È. I. Grudo
425 |
The spectrum of a degenerate boundary value problem A. M. Zverkin
435 |
Stability in the large of the zero solution of a second order autonomous system I. G. Egorov
442 |
Controllability of general differential systems T. S. Kalyuzhnaya
451 |
A problem on the construction of comparison functions in the theory of the stability of motion R. O. Ramirez Inostroza
460 |
Almost reducible systems with quasiperiodic coefficients N. S. Fal'ko
467 |
Partial Differential Equations
Normal solvability of the generalized Dirichlet problem for a certain class of nonelliptic equations B. G. Ararktsyan, G. G. Kazaryan
474 |
A second order degenerate elliptic equation in Hilbert space L. I. Vainerman
482 |
An application of the contour integral method to the solution of the Cauchy problem for certain higher order parabolic systems with variable coefficients N. M. Mamedov
492 |
The absolute convergence of Fourier series in generalized Nikol'skiǐ classes V. S. Serov
499 |
A problem with a contact discontinuity for a system of three quasilinear equations A. D. Sidorenko
504 |
Integral Equations and Integral-Differential
A nonlinear integro-differential system of transport equations V. V. Kulinich, S. F. Morozov
512 |
On the approximate solution of certain singular integral equations with shift N. Ya. Tikhonenko
522 |
The construction of an asymptotic solution of a system of linear integro-differential equations of rational rank N. I. Shkil', A. N. Voronoi
527 |
Short Communications
Reducible completely integrable systems V. V. Amel'kin, I. V. Gaishun, L. N. Gaishun
540 |
On the question of the stability of the solutions of second order systems in critical cases N. G. Bulgakov
543 |
The semiperiodic Dirichlet problem for a class of equations of mixed type T. Sh. Kal'menov
546 |
The solvability of boundary value problems on small intervals A. Ya. Lepin
548 |
A third order linear differential equation R. R. Mkrtumyan
551 |
Correctness of a boundary problem for differential-operator equations in a Banach space V. P. Rudakov
554 |
Regularization of linear differential equations with constant operators in the degenerate case N. A. Sidorov
556 |
Generalized solvability of a certain boundary value problem for the wave equation N. G. Sorokina
561 |
People of Soviet science
Konstantin Sergeevič Sibirskiǐ (on the occasion of his fiftieth birthday) V. A. Andrunakievich, N. P. Erugin, Yu. S. Bogdanov
565 |