Idempotent analysis as a tool of control theory and optimal synthesis. I V. N. Kolokoltsov, V. P. Maslov
1 |
Generating functional of correlation functions for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation V. E. Korepin
15 |
Algebras of virasoro type, energy-momentum tensor, and decomposition operators on Riemann surfaces I. M. Krichever, S. P. Novikov
24 |
Prymians of real curves and their applications to the effectivization of Schrödinger operators S. M. Natanzon
41 |
Brief communications
Verdier elliptic solitons and the Weierstrass theory of reduction E. D. Belokolos, V. Z. Ènol'skii
57 |
Ergodic properties of transformations of an interval A. M. Blokh, M. Yu. Lyubich
59 |
Local indexes of iterates of a holomorphic map S. A. Bogatyi
61 |
Eigenvalues of the equation $Au=\lambda Bu$ on a compact manifold without boundary K. Kh. Boimatov, A. G. Kostyuchenko
63 |
Lagrangian projections of invariant tori of Hamiltonian systems with two degrees of freedom M. L. Byalyi, L. V. Polterovich
65 |
Mechanism of instability of an equilibrium of natural systems G. M. Vinner
66 |
Poisson brackets associated with the classical Yang–Baxter equation D. I. Gurevich
68 |
Singularities and normal forms of odd-dimensional Pfaff equations M. Ya. Zhitomirskii
70 |
Conservative perturbations of infinite-dimensional linear systems depending on a vector parameter S. B. Kuksin
72 |
Iteration of a polynomial, basis, and the operator of multiplication by $z$ G. M. Levin
74 |
Special vectors in Verma modules over affine algebras F. G. Malikov
76 |
Certain properties of the roots of a weakly hyperbolic operator pencil E. D. Nursultanov
78 |
Eigenvalues of a certain quadratic pencil of operators V. N. Pyvovarchyk
80 |
Method of excision of singularity for bisingular integral operators with continuous coefficients V. S. Pilidi
82 |
Integrable mappings of the standard type Yu. B. Suris
84 |
Spectrum of infinite-dimensional Banach spaces E. V. Tokarev
86 |
Algebras of bounded functions with smooth coanalytic part V. A. Tolokonnikov
88 |
Multiplicity of the spectrum of representations connected with integrable $G$-invariant Hamiltonian systems M. L. Chumak
90 |
Linear differential equations and real flag manifolds B. Z. Shapiro
92 |