The existence of nontrivial ARG deformations of surfaces with an edge under generalized bushing connections in Riemannian space V. T. Fomenko, E. A. Kolomytseva
3 |
Approximate solution of hypersingular integral equations with integer singularities of odd order I. V. Boykov, A. I. Boikova
15 |
Approximate solution of hypersingular integral equations by zero-order spline collocation methods I. V. Boykov, J. F. Zakharova, S. P. Alatkin
28 |
Synthesis of reliable non-branching programs with conditional stop in a complete finite basis containing $x_1 \& x_2$ S. M. Grabovskaya
43 |
On the solvability of a nonlinear eigenvalue boundary value problem for propagating TM waves in a circular nonlinear waveguide E. A. Khorosheva, Yu. G. Smirnov
55 |
Propagation of TM-polarized electromagnetic waves in a dielectric layer of a nonlinear metamaterial D. V. Valovik, Yu. G. Smirnov
71 |
A sub-hierarchical method for solving an integral equation on surfaces of arbitrary shape M. Yu. Medvedik
88 |
Modulation of radiation and the proportion of ion current in the cathode spot of fluorescent lamps V. A. Goryunov, A. M. Mayorov, M. I. Mayorov
95 |
A model of the process of transition of a polycrystalline high-temperature superconductor to a critical state L. A. Suvorova, A. R. Buev
102 |
A general method for searching for pure elastic wave modes in crystals R. A. Brazwe, A. I. Kochaev
115 |
Estimation of cluster sizes in associated liquids based on characteristic time scales of orientation polarization V. I. Arkhipov, N. Agmon
126 |
Determination of the activity of hydrogen and carbon in the pyrolysis of hydrocarbons S. V. Bulyarskii
136 |
Modeling of the processes of primary radiation damage of the alloy Fe-1.8at.%Ni by the method of molecular dynamics M. Yu. Tikhonchev, V. V. Svetukhin, V. N. Golovanov, D. V. Kozlov
143 |
Construction of a temperature-dependent interparticle interaction potential for uranium dioxide I. Nagornov, R. Yu. Makhmud-Akhunov, M. Yu. Tikhonchev, B. M. Kostishko, V. N. Golovanov, V. V. Svetukhin
156 |
Issues of modeling electrochemical methods and means of controlling the dynamics of inflammatory processes S. I. Gerashchenko, S. M. Gerashchenko, E. V. Kuchumov
165 |