Effect of $T$-invariance violation in scattering of polarized $^3$He nuclei on tensor-polarized deuterons Yu. N. Uzikov, M. N. Platonova
787 |
Extended analytical model for the description of light absorption spectra of linear molecular aggregates S. S. Moritaka, V. S. Lebedev
794 |
High-frequency shift and extension of the terahertz radiation spectrum up to 10 Thz during optical rectification of high-power few-cycle near-infrared femtosecond pump radiation in a BNA crystal B. V. Rumiantsev, N. A. Zhidovtsev, A. V. Pushkin, E. A. Lobushkin, P. A. Shulyndin, D. Z. Suleimanova, A. B. Savel'ev-Trofimov, F. V. Potemkin
802 |
On the separation of a monolayer of charged microparticles in a parabolic confinement B. A. Klumov
810 |
Radiative losses of deuterons, tritons, and alpha particles on tungsten ions in the plasma of the ITER and EU-demo tokamaks A. A. Mavrin, A. V. Demura, D. S. Leont'ev, V. S. Lisitsa
816 |
Binary coding by microwave pulses on the transverse magnetization of the tetracyanoethylene radical R. B. Zaripov, I. T. Khairutdinov
826 |
Nodal line topological superconducting state in quasi-one-dimensional A$_2$Cr$_3$As$_3$ (A = K, Rb, Cs) superconductors M. Wang, W. LiMing, T. Zhou
834 |
Bound states of a short-range defect on the surface of an intrinsic antiferromagnetic topological insulator in a noncollinear phase V. N. Men'shov, E. V. Chulkov
836 |
Reentrant proximity-induced superconductivity for GeTe semimetal V. D. Esin, D. Yu. Kazmin, Yu. S. Barash, A. V. Timonina, N. N. Kolesnikov, E. V. Deviatov
846 |
Anisotropy of the critical current and abrikosov vortex pinning in magnetic superconductor EuCsFe$_4$As$_4$ A. Yu. Degtyarenko, V. A. Vlasenko, T. E. Kuzmicheva, K. S. Pervakov, S. Yu. Gavrilkin, A. Yu. Tsvetkov, S. A. Kuzmichev
848 |
On the fundamental difference between the effects of electrical and mechanical vibrations on the dynamics of a charge density wave M. V. Nikitin, V. Ya. Pokrovskii, D. A. Kai, S. G. Zybtsev
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Simultaneous observation of the cyclotron resonances of electrons and holes in a HgTe/CdHgTe double quantum well under “optical gate” effect L. S. Bovkun, S. S. Krishtopenko, V. Ya. Aleshkin, N. N. Mikhailov, S. A. Dvoretsky, F. Teppe, M. Orlita, V. I. Gavrilenko, A. V. Ikonnikov
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