Method of locally homeomorphic extension in the theory of sufficient conditions for univalence F. G. Avkhadiev
3 |
Two integral equations with a kernel of Carleman type. I E. P. Aksent'eva, F. N. Garif'yanov
11 |
Solvability of the exterior inverse boundary value problem in the case of a multiply connected domain L. A. Aksent'ev, M. I. Kinder, S. B. Sagitova
22 |
Conditions for univalence in star-shaped and convex domains L. A. Aksent'ev, P. L. Shabalin
35 |
A boundary value problem of Hilbert type on a noncompact Riemann surface with a boundary I. A. Bikchantaev
43 |
The Riemann boundary value problem in classes of generalized functions and generalized differentials on a noncompact Riemann surface I. A. Bikchantaev, S. G. Usmanova
48 |
Development of the method of boundary integral equations in relation to problems of blast ejection T. V. Borisova, N. B. Il'inskii, Z. È. Khairullin
56 |
The Hilbert boundary value problem for a piecewise holomorphic function with a countable set of singular contours M. H. Brenerman
63 |
Solvability of the problem of flow of a heavy fluid with a free boundary around a periodic system of convex profiles I. L. Gurevich
68 |
The Leray constraint in application to mixed inverse boundary value problems A. M. Elizarov
74 |
A problem of Gellerstedt type for a homogeneous equation of mixed type of the second kind I. D. Emelina
93 |
An inverse problem of filtration from a channel in the presence of backwater N. B. Il'inskii, A. R. Kasimov
104 |
The investigation of the influence of an inclined solid ground on the depression of an ejection at the detonation of a surface string-shaped charge N. B. Il'inskii, P. A. Fishenko
116 |
An inverse problem of the theory of a thin wing in a supersonic flow V. M. Ilyushkin, G. G. Tumashev
129 |
Смешанные краевые задачи предельного электрохимического сглаживания V. V. Klokov
136 |
Смешанная краевая задача потенцио- и гальваностатического стационарного
анодного формообразования V. V. Klokov, S. E. Shishkin
145 |
A boundary value problem for an elliptic equation with degeneration inside the domain Yu. M. Krikunov
152 |
A problem of interaction of flows with different Bernoulli constants D. V. Maklakov
159 |
A problem of optimal control for a system of equations of mixed type I. E. Pleshchinskaya
171 |
Optimal control of the solution of the Riemann boundary value problem N. B. Pleschinskii
185 |
An inverse boundary value problem for infinitely connected domains R. B. Salimov, M. L. Slavutin
192 |
The solution of the problem on the interaction of two symmetric plane inclined underground charges R. B. Salimov, N. K. Tuktamyshov
201 |
Применение метода малого параметра к решению осесимметричных
задач электрохимической обработки E. I. Filatov
206 |
An inverse boundary value problem of the theory of heat transport A. Yu. Khasanova
212 |
Addendum to the paper: “Determination of the contour of a flood bed from the rate curve in the presence of water pressure” A. M. Elizarov, N. B. Il'inskii
229 |