Mathematical models and computer experiment
The numerical investigation of oscillatory regime in open cavity M. A. Antonov, I. A. Graur, L. V. Kosarev, B. N. Chetverushkin
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Sensitivity analysis for nonlinear mathematical models: numerical experience A. Saltelli, I. M. Sobol'
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Mathematical modeling of spherical glass-ablator implosion V. Ya. Gol'din, A. V. Kolpakov
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Equations for viscous gas mixture flows in curved flat channels with variable cross section B. V. Rogov, I. A. Sokolova
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Monotone high-order accuracy difference schemes for modelling gasdynamic flows in a cavity S. G. Ponomarev, V. F. Tishkin
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Computational methods and algorithms
Phase approach in the method of parameter evolution S. P. Litvintseva
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Convergency of parabolic interpolative splines N. N. Kalitkin, L. V. Kuzmina
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The inverse problem of source reconstruction for convective diffusion equation Yu. A. Kriksin, S. N. Plushchev, E. A. Samarskaya, V. F. Tishkin
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On a theory of kinetically consistent difference schemes A. V. Lukshin, B. N. Chetverushkin
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The 60th anniversary of Nikolaj Nikolaevich Kalitkin A. A. Samarskii, V. Ya. Gol'din, B. N. Chetverushkin, V. F. Tishkin, E. I. Levanov, B. L. Rozhdestvenskii
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