Mathematical models and computer experiment
Mathematical modeling of optical discharge subsonic propagation in $\mathrm{CO}_2$-laser's beam with the refraction of laser radiation A. P. Budnic, A. S. Vakulovsky, A. G. Popov, S. T. Surzhikov
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The reconstruction of the elastic properties of an inhomogeneous layer under the local loading based on the surface deformation data. Results of computational experiment A. R. Skovoroda
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Evolution of “weakly” intermixed multiphase flow as a random walk process. “Walking phases” and “walking waves” models V. E. Alemasov, M. H. Brenerman, A. R. Kessel, J. I. Kravtsov
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The simulation of nonstationary processes of gas outflow from deformable high-pressure vessels A. V. Kochetkov, V. R. Fel'dgun
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Numerical simulation of 3D nonequilibrium flows at viscous shock layer S. V. Peigin, V. Yu. Kazakov
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Numerical modeling of pressure pulsations in 3D cavities M. A. Antonov, I. A. Graur, L. V. Kosarev, B. N. Chetverushkin
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2-D model of heavy gas dispersion over rough bedding surface O. V. Dobrocheev, A. A. Kuleshov, N. P. Savenkova, S. V. Filippova
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Computational methods and algorithms
On stability of regular solutions of one-dimensional $z$-pinch dynamic problem V. I. Kosarev, A. I. Lobanov
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Method of amplitude-phase synthesis of circular antenna array of waveguide elements D. D. Gabrielyan, S. E. Mischenko
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Fast algorithm for pseudo-random numbers N. Z. Akopov, V. S. Pogosyan
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