Dominant Sets for Model Spaces in Several Variables A. B. Aleksandrov, E. Doubtsov
162 |
On the Sum of Negative Eigenvalues of the Three-Dimensional Schrödinger Operator A. R. Aliev, E. Kh. Eivazov
170 |
On the Second Order Sufficient Optimality Conditions for a Problem of Mathematical Programming A. V. Arutyunov, S. E. Zhukovskiy
177 |
The Strong Convexity Supporting Condition and the Lipschitz Condition for the Metric Projection M. V. Balashov, K. Z. Biglov
197 |
On Algebraic Properties of Integrals of Products of Some Hypergeometric Functions V. A. Gorelov
208 |
Asymptotics of Fundamental Solutions of Parabolic Problems V. G. Danilov
219 |
On the Well-Posedness of an Initial–Boundary Value Problem for a Degenerate Heat Equation A. R. Zaynullov, K. B. Sabitov
230 |
Bernstein Inequality for the Riesz Derivative of Order $0<\alpha<1$ of Entire Functions of Exponential Type in the Uniform Norm A. O. Leont'eva
245 |
Uniform Rational Approximation of Even and Odd Continuations of Functions T. S. Mardvilko
257 |
Estimates of the Number of Edges in Subgraphs of Johnson Graphs E. A. Neustroeva, A. M. Raigorodskii
266 |
Existence, Asymptotics, and Lyapunov Stability of Solutions of Periodic Parabolic Problems for Tikhonov-Type Reaction–Diffusion Systems N. N. Nefedov
276 |
Estimate for the Rate of Uniform Convergence of the Fourier Series of a Continuous Periodic Function of Bounded $p$-Variation T. Yu. Semenova
286 |
Brief Communications
Calculation of the Limit of a Special Sequence of Trigonometric Functions E. D. Alferova, V. B. Sherstyukov
298 |
Approximation of Periodic Functions of High Generalized Smoothness by Fourier Sums N. V. Laktionova, K. V. Runovskii
304 |
Lacunary Recurrence Relations with Gaps of Length 8 for the Bernoulli and Euler Polynomials K. A. Mirzoev, T. A. Safonova
308 |
Letter to editor
Letter to the Editor O. I. Reinov
314 |
Papers published in the English version of the journal
Ricci Solitons on Generalized Sasakian Space Forms with Kenmotsu Metric S. Rani, R. Gupta
240–257 |