Lyapunov operator $\mathcal{L}$ with degenerate kernel and Gibbs measures Yu. Kh. Eshkabilov, F. H. Haydarov
553 |
Spectral properties of spontaneous photon emission by a material two-level system in a parabolic cavity G. Alber, A. V. Chizhov
559 |
Reproduction of the evolution of the liquid front profile in inhomogeneous nanoporous media D. S. Golovina, S. A. Chivilikhin
567 |
Thermal stability of magnetic states in submicron magnetic islands S. Y. Liashko, I. S. Lobanov, V. M. Uzdin, H. Jónsson
572 |
Vapor phase SERS sensor based on mesoporous silica decorated with silver nanoparticles A. S. Sarycheva, A. A. Semenova, E. A. Goodilin
579 |
Truncated minimum energy path method for finding first order saddle points I. S. Lobanov, M. N. Potkina, H. Jónsson, V. M. Uzdin
586 |
Features of the energy spectrum of indium antimonide quantum dots N. D. Zhukov, A. I. Mikhailov, V. F. Kabanov, E. G. Glukhovskoy
596 |
Random number generator for cryptography R. Soorat, K. Madhuri, A. Vudayagiri
600 |
The effect of vertical throughflow in Rivlin–Ericksen elastico-viscous nanofluid in a non-Darcy porous medium S. Saini, Y. D. Sharma
606 |
Detection of the polarization spatial distribution of THz radiation generated by two-color laser filamentation S. V. Smirnov, V. G. Bespalov, M. S. Kulya, S. E. Putilin, A. N. Tsypkin
613 |
Redistribution of Mg and Ni cations in crystal lattice of conical nanotube with chrysotile structure A. A. Krasilin, V. V. Gusarov
620 |
Two facile routes for functionalization of WS$_2$ nanotubes with silver nanoparticles A. Yu. Polyakov, V. A. Lebedev, L. Yadgarov, E. A. Goodilin
628 |
Energetics of carbon nanotubes with open edges: Modeling and experiment V. G. Zavodinskу, O. A. Gorkusha, A. P. Kuz'menko
635 |
Modeling chemisorption of carbon dimer at (8, 0) nanotube S. S. Moliver
641 |
Peculiarities of LaFeO$_3$ nanocrystals formation via glycine-nitrate combustion A. Bachina, V. A. Ivanov, V. I. Popkov
647 |
Nonlinear optical and quanta-dimensional effects in monoselenide of gallium and indium A. G. Kyazim-zade, V. M. Salmanov, A. H. Huseynov, R. M. Mamedov, A. A. Salmanova, F. Sh. Ahmedova
654 |
SnO$_2$ quantum dots for nano light emitting devices S. S. Nath, A. Ganguly, G. Gope, M. R. Kanjilal
661 |
The influence of substrate material on the resistance of composite films based on reduced graphene oxide and polystyrene M. N. Nikolaeva, E. V. Gushchina, M. S. Dunaevskii, A. T. Dideikin, A. N. Bugrov, T. D. Anan'eva
665 |
Revisiting preparation routes of SERS materials A. A. Semenova, I. A. Semenova, A. P. Semenov, E. A. Gudilina, E. A. Goodilin
670 |
Universal mechanism of tetrahedral metal cluster formation in structures with breathing pyrochlore sublattices M. V. Talanov, V. M. Talanov
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