Control in the socio-economic systems
Mathematical modeling and control in social informing and information exchange systems V. È. Dzhashitov, V. M. Pankratov, A. F. Rezchikov, A. È. Dzhashitov
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Control of one-sector economy under restrictions on saving and consumption N. S. Demin, E. V. Kuleshova
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Feasibility of multi-criteria expertise results verification – “intersection” property application N. A. Korgin
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Administration of engineering systems and technological processes
On a problem of optimum oil production process control with application of probability law of distribution for some parameter of laminated layer R. A. Sultanov, V. D. Slabnov, I. A. Fukin, V. V. Skvortsov
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Control of medicobiologic systems
Modeling of hormone-controlled bipolar growth of plant-type cellular structures V. S. Suhoverov, G. A. Romanov
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Control the moving objects
Search for moving object with use of informative character “trace”. P. 2: Optimization of search trajectories T. G. Abramyantz, Yu. A. Belanov, E. P. Maslov, V. P. Yahno
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Information technologies controls
New interval bayesian software reliability models on the basis of the non-homogeneous Poisson processes L. V. Utkin, S. I. Zatenko, F. Coolen
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Organization of diagnosing of digital systems with symmetric bipartite graph structures V. A. Vedeshenkov
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Optimization of nonmarkovian queueing networks V. N. Zadorozhnyi
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Effective utilization of multi-core microprocessors for implementation of control algorithms V. N. Fetisov
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Vladimir Nikolayevich Burkov (to the 70-th anniversary)
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