Vladimir Il'ich Lenin (photo)
On the occasion of the centenary of the birth of Vladimir Il'ich Lenin
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V. I. Lenin and methodological questions in mathematics B. V. Gnedenko
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Lenin, science and education A. F. Lapko, L. A. Lyusternik
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The present state of the theory of games N. N. Vorob'ev
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Dynamical systems with elastic reflections. Ergodic properties of dispersing billiards Ya. G. Sinai
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Metric properties of measure preserving homeomorphisms A. B. Katok, A. M. Stepin
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Programming a computer to play chess G. M. Adel'son-Vel'skii, V. L. Arlazarov, A. R. Bitman, A. A. Zhivotovskii, A. V. Uskov
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In the Moscow Mathematical Society
Meetings of the Moscow Mathematical Society
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Communications of the Moscow Mathematical Society
Algebraic unsolvability of the problem of stability and the problem of the topological classification of the singular points of analytic systems of differential equations V. I. Arnol'd
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Geometric representations of Coxeter groups È. B. Vinberg
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Estimates of convolution type operators in Gevrey classes L. R. Volevich
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The unbounded solutions of certain second order degenerate linear parabolic systems A. S. Kalashnikov
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Action of a solvable Lie group in a neighborhood of a fixed point A. G. Kushnirenko
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The degenerate problem with oblique derivative V. G. Maz'ya
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An application of the matrix method to continuous systems of classical statistical mechanics Yu. M. Sukhov
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The boundedness in a closed region of the gradient of a harmonic funcion B. N. Khimchenko
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Mathematical Events in the USSR
Development of Theory Nonlinear Vibrations (Fifth International Conference on Nonlinear Vibrations, Kiev) Yu. A. Mitropol'skii, V. N. Chevelo
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Tenth All-Union Algebraic Colloquium Yu. I. Merzlyakov
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Summer Baikal Mathematical School on Theory and Methods of Storage of Large-Scale Systems G. Yu. Dankov
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Inter-College Conference on Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations, Ryazan' I. P. Makarov
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Reviews and Bibliography
New books on mathematics L. P. Kalinina
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