Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on decorating of Hero of Socialist Labour academician Bogolyubov N. N. with the Order of Lenin and a second gold medal “Sickle and Hammer”
Nikolai Nikolaevich Bogolyubov (on his seventieth birthday) P. S. Aleksandrov, V. S. Vladimirov, M. A. Lavrent'ev, A. A. Logunov
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The quantum method of the inverse problem and the Heisenberg $XYZ$ model L. A. Takhtadzhyan, L. D. Faddeev
13 |
Averaging and $G$-convergence of differential operators V. V. Zhikov, S. M. Kozlov, O. A. Oleinik, Hà Tiên Ngoan
65 |
Some mathematical problems of statistical hydromechanics M. I. Vishik, A. I. Komech, A. V. Fursikov
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In the Moscow Mathematical Society
Meetings of the Moscow Mathematical Society
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Communications of the Moscow Mathematical Society
The general linear programming problem in ordered spaces A. G. Pinsker
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Eigenfunction expansions of Schrödinger-type equations in Hilbert space V. A. Bezverkhnii
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Locally additive functionals of Gaussian generalized fields R. L. Dobrushin, M. Ya. Kelbert
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The effective area of boundary conditions in the model of classical Ising ferromagnetism D. G. Martirosyan
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$p$-adic Fourier transforms Yu. V. Osipov
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On the asymptotic behaviour of the solutions of a polyharmonic equation in a neighbourhood of non-regular boundary points and at infinity I. N. Tavkhelidze
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On a diffeomorphism of a locally convex space E. T. Shavgulidze
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The construction of a model of representations of the general linear group over a finite field of odd characteristic V. V. Shikheeva
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On the basis problem of the eigenfunctions of an ordinary differential operator A. A. Shkalikov
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Mathematical Events in the USSR
Sessions of the Petrovskii Seminar on differential equations and mathematical problems of physics
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Information on mathematical summer school “Noncommutative Theory of Probabilities. II” E. K. Begovatov, R. A. Minlos, A. N. Sherstnev
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Reviews and Bibliography
New books on mathematics L. P. Kalinina
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