Floquet theory for partial differential equations P. A. Kuchment
3 |
Meromorphic solutions of algebraic differential equations A. È. Eremenko
53 |
In the Moscow Mathematical Society
Joint sessions of the Petrovskii Seminar on differential equations and mathematical problems of physics and of the Moscow Mathematical Society
83 |
Communications of the Moscow Mathematical Society
On chain rings N. I. Dubrovin
139 |
On uniformity and proximity analogues of the Lindelöf property L. V. Aparina
141 |
Solution of the Dirichlet problem in a subspace of a Hilbert space using potentials A. A. Belyaev
143 |
On Morita equivalence and duality G. M. Brodskii
145 |
On subgroups of the unitary group over a semilocal ring N. A. Vavilov
147 |
On the theory of spaces of continuous functions N. V. Velichko
149 |
On the module of functions with compact support over a ring of continuous functions E. M. Vechtomov
151 |
Some estimates for the diameters of the intersection of classes of functions È. M. Galeev
153 |
On a functional equation in the theory of learning A. A. Dmitriev, A. P. Shapiro
155 |
On the existence and asymptotic behaviour of the solutions of a system in elasticity theory for an infinite domain G. A. Iosif'yan, O. A. Oleinik
157 |
Subelliptic estimates for the oblique derivative problem E. A. Kolesnikova
159 |
On the connection between group cohomology and Lie algebras Yu. V. Kuz'min
161 |
On the Néron–Severi torus of a rational surface B. È. Kunyavskii, M. A. Tsfasman
163 |
The functional central limit theorem for semimartingales taking values in a Hilbert space V. V. Lavrent'ev
165 |
The topological classification of germs of the maximum and minimax functions of a family of functions in general position V. I. Matov
167 |
Commuting ordinary differential operators of rank 3 corresponding to an elliptic curve O. I. Mokhov
169 |
Linear differential operators and the cohomology of analytic spaces I. B. Penkov
171 |
On multiparticle systems on a straight line with a triangular scattering reflection A. Yu. Plakhov
173 |
On the homological dimension of Banach algebras of smooth functions L. I. Pugach
175 |
Abeiian test groups and their applications S. V. Rychkov
177 |
Second-order arithmetic and the consistency of first-order theories V. I. Stepanov
179 |
The principal series of representations of the group of $p$-adic quaternions in spaces over non-Archimedean fields A. V. Trusov
181 |
A characterization of compactness in terms of uniform structure in a function space V. V. Uspenskii
183 |
Homology of equivariant function spaces M. Sh. Farber
185 |
On open maps V. V. Fedorchuk
187 |
An estimate for the solution of a $\bar\partial$-equation in analytic polyhedra in general position I. D. Frumin
189 |
The decomposition of groups acting on complexes with a fundamental domain N. G. Chebotarev
191 |
Mathematical Events in the USSR
Ivan Ivanovich Privalov (ninety years after his birth) P. I. Kuznetsov, E. D. Solomentsev
193 |
Mark Iosifovich Vishik (on his sixtieth birthday) M. S. Agranovich, I. M. Gel'fand, Yu. A. Dubinskii, O. A. Oleinik, S. L. Sobolev, M. A. Shubin
213 |
Soviet-Hungarian Symposium on Differential Equations, Theory of Approximation, and Topology N. N. Blinov, R. S. Saks, S. L. Sobolev, V. A. Toponogov, S. V. Uspenskii
221 |
All-Union scientific school “Lie algebras and their Applications in Mathematics and Physics” Yu. A. Bahturin, A. I. Kostrikin
223 |
Reviews and Bibliography
New books on mathematics L. P. Kalinina
225 |