Mathematical logic, algebra and number theory
On graphs that are not equationally Noetherian I. M. Buchinskiy, A. V. Treyer
580 |
Spherical orders, properties and countable spectra of their theories B. Sh. Kulpeshov, S. V. Sudoplatov
588 |
Minimality conditions, topologies, and ranks for spherically ordered theories S. V. Sudoplatov
600 |
\large Equationally Noetherian varieties of semigroups and B. Plotkin's problem A. N. Shevlyakov
724 |
Finite groups with formational subnormal primary subgroups of bounded exponent V. S. Monakhov, I. L. Sokhor
785 |
On profinite polyadic groups M. Shahryari, M. Rostami
814 |
Algebras of binary formulas for $\aleph_0$-categorical weakly circularly minimal theories: piecewise monotonic case B. Sh. Kulpeshov
824 |
Quasi-definite primitive axial algebras of Jordan type half I. B. Gorshkov, V. Yu. Gubarev
833 |
One corollary of description of finite groups without elements of order $6$ A. S. Kondrat'ev, M. S. Nirova
854 |
Constant expansion of theories and the number of countable models B. S. Baizhanov, O. A. Umbetbayev
1037 |
Finite simple groups with two maximal subgroups of coprime orders N. V. Maslova
1150 |
Mathematical life
A.D. Taimanov's theorems I. A. Taimanov
1160 |
Mathematical logic, algebra and number theory
On equivalence classes of matrices over a finite field of odd characteristic E. V. Zhuravlev
1200 |
On positive completeness and positively closed sets of multifunctions of rank $2$ I. K. Sharankhaev
1313 |
On the computability of ordered fields M. V. Korovina, O. V. Kudinov
1341 |
Linear step-like logic of knowledge $\mathcal{LTK}.{sl}$ S. I. Bashmakov, T. Yu. Zvereva
1361 |
On submaximal ultraclones of self-dual hyperfunctions of rank $2$ S. A. Badmaev, I. K. Sharankhaev
1374 |
Complexes of relational structures and their properties I. A. Emelianenkov
1381 |
Simple Novikov–Poisson algebras A. S. Zakharov
1396 |
On the existence of nef-partitions for smooth well-formed Fano weighted complete intersections M. A. Ovcharenko
1405 |
Seven-dimensional real and complex unsolvable Lie algebras N. P. Mozhey
1443 |
On weakly $\mathrm{tcc}$-subgroups of finite groups A. Trofimuk
1464 |
Effectively infinite classes of numberings and fixed point theorems M. Kh. Faizrahmanov
1519 |
Multivalued groups and Newton polyhedron V. G. Bardakov, T. A. Kozlovskaya
1590 |
Binary $(-1,1)$-bimodules over semisimple algebras S. V. Pchelintsev
1605 |
Probability theory and mathematical statistics
Stability and instability of a random multiple access system with an energy harvesting and self-discharge mechanism A. V. Rezler, M. G. Chebunin
735 |
On functional limit theorems for branching processes with dependent immigration S. O. Sharipov
755 |
Limit theorems for forward and backward processes of numbers of non-empty urns in infinite urn schemes M. G. Chebunin, A. P. Kovalevskii
913 |
On the moderate deviation principle for $m$-dependent random variables with sublinear expectation E. V. Efremov, A. V. Logachov
961 |
Study of characteristics of the CUSUM procedure in a change point problem V. I. Lotov, A. S. Tarasenko
987 |
On the distribution of the crossing number of a strip by trajectories of a stochastic process with independent increments V. I. Lotov, V. R. Khodjibaev
1013 |
Geometry and topology
Complex and symplectic geometry of vector bundle manifolds M. T. K. Abbassi, R. El Masdouri, I. Lakrini
1295 |
Discrete mathematics and mathematical cybernetics
Feynman checkers with absorption M. D. Dmitriev
626 |
Test fragments of perfect colorings of circulant graphs M. A. Lisitsyna, S. V. Avgustinovich
638 |
Edge $4$-critical Koester graph of order $28$ A. A. Dobrynin
847 |
Approximation algorithms for 2-PSP-2W-max and 2-CC-2W-max A. N. Glebov, S. S. Lylova, S. G. Toktokhoeva
923 |
Multidimensional threshold matrices and extremal matrices of order $2$ A. A. Taranenko
1052 |
Linear and additive perfect codes over skew fields and quasi skew fields S. A. Malyugin
1093 |
$L_{\infty}$ norm minimization for nowhere-zero integer eigenvectors of the block graphs of Steiner triple systems and Johnson graphs E. A. Bespalov, I. Yu. Mogilnykh, K. V. Vorob'ev
1125 |
On reduction for eigenfunctions of graphs A. Valyuzhenich
1290 |
On the structure of one class of perfect $\Pi$-partitions K. L. Rychkov
1499 |
Differentical equations, dynamical systems and optimal control
Resonance in oscillators with nonlinearity manifested at intermediate amplitudes E. Pelinovsky, I. Melnikov
616 |
Homogenized acoustic equations for a layered medium consisting of a viscoelastic material and a viscous compressible fluid V. V. Shumilova
711 |
Flows of quasi-classical trajectories and asymptotics solutions of the Schrödinger equation V. V. Khablov
773 |
Integration of the loaded mKdV-sine-Gordon equation with a source U. A. Hoitmetov
859 |
A Radon type transform related to the Euler equations for ideal fluid V. A. Sharafutdinov
880 |
A variational inequality for the Sturm–Liouville problem with discontinuous nonlinearity D. K. Potapov
981 |
Algebraic ovals and rational integrals of Darboux-type systems E. P. Volokitin, V. M. Cheresiz
1108 |
Spectrum of a problem about the flow of a polymeric viscoelastic fluid in a cylindrical channel (Vinogradov-Pokrovski model) D. L. Tkachev, E. A. Biberdorf
1269 |
Stationary solutions of a boundary value problem for equations of barotropic flow of multicomponent media A. E. Mamontov, D. A. Prokudin
1490 |
The exact solutions for the flow of liquid polymer with variable discharge in the flat channel with permeable walls R. E. Semenko, G. N. Shukurov
1537 |
The problem on small motions of a mixture of viscous compressible fluids D. A. Zakora
1552 |
Solvability of a regularized boundary value problem of chaotic dynamics of a polymer molecule V. N. Starovoitov
1597 |
Computational mathematics
Performance preserving equivalence for stochastic process algebra dtsdPBC I. V. Tarasyuk
646 |
Mathematical model of economic dynamics in an epidemic A. Boranbayev, N. Obrosova, A. Shananin
797 |
Discretization of Boltzmann equation with finite volume method and explicit-implicit schemes K. N. Volkov, V. N. Emelyanov, A. V. Pustovalov
942 |
On the convergence of locally one-dimensional schemes for the differential equation in partial derivatives of fractional orders in a multidimensional domain A. K. Bazzaev
1064 |
Localization of discontinuity surfaces of the scattering coefficient according to the time-angular distribution of the radiation flux density P. A. Vornovskikh, I. V. Prokhorov
1079 |
On mathematical models of COVID-19 pandemic O. I. Krivorotko, S. I. Kabanikhin
1211 |
Application of a Taylor series to approximate a function with large gradients A. I. Zadorin
1420 |
On the reconstruction of the absorption coefficient for the 2D acoustic system M. A. Shishlenin, N. A. Savchenko, N. S. Novikov, D. V. Klyuchinskiy
1474 |
Phase control of the power of a floating wave power plant A. B. Darienkov, M. V. Zhelonkin, A. A. Kurkin, A. S. Plekhov
1626 |
Real, complex and functional analysis
Multidimensional Hermite interpolation M. E. Durakov, E. K. Leinartas, A. K. Tsikh
700 |
Laguerre expansions of $C-$regularized semigroups Functions Y. Bajjou, A. Blali, A. El Amrani
1001 |
Inverse spectral problem for an antisymmetric tridiagonal matrix A. I. Gudimenko
1026 |
Multivalued quasimöbius property and bounded turning N. V. Abrosimov, V. V. Aseev
1185 |
Gaussian semigroups of operators in the space of Borel functions on a separable Hilbert space O. E. Galkin, S. Yu. Galkina, I. Yu. Yastrebova
1320 |
Stability condition and Riesz bounds for exponential splines E. V. Mishchenko
1430 |