Existence of an analytic thermal wave determined by a given boundary regime S. P. Bautin
3 |
A mathematical model and an algorithm for an analysis of spherical hybrid combustion waves V. I. Drobyshevich
12 |
Submodels of a compressible fluid on two-dimensional subalgebras A. R. Garifullin
16 |
On the numerical solution of three-dimensional diffusion-convective boundary value problems Ya. L. Gur'eva, V. P. Il'in
27 |
On a problem of nonequilibrium sorption I. A. Kaliev, G. S. Sabitova
35 |
The effect of different factors on the accuracy of a diffusion approximation of the transport equation in the plane-parallel case A. E. Kovtanyuk, E. V. Mal'tseva
40 |
On the numerical solution of a minimization problem in modeling stratum systems D. V. Kurganov
51 |
Calculation of the rate of creep of a rarefied gas caused by the nonuniform distribution of temperature in a Knudsen layer A. V. Latyshev, V. N. Popov, A. A. Yushkanov
60 |
Nonsmooth solutions of 2-submodels of the class $E$ of equations of gas dynamics E. V. Mamontov
72 |
Excitation of layered geoelectric media by a harmonic magnetic current V. S. Mogilatov, G. A. Borisov
77 |
A uniqueness theorem for the kinetic equation of motion of particles in a plasma M. V. Neshchadim
88 |
A boundary value problem of transport theory in a multilayer medium with generalized conjugation conditions I. V. Prokhorov, I. P. Yarovenko
93 |
Mathematical modelling of catalytic processes with non-stationary condition of the catalyst: two-reactor system S. I. Reshetnikov, E. A. Ivanov
108 |
On the stability of solutions of a mixed problem for an almost linear parabolic system on a plane R. K. Romanovskii, E. V. Vorob'eva, I. D. Makarova
118 |
Geometric properties of some level lines in plane and axisymmetric gas flows A. I. Rylov
125 |
On an approach to 3-dimensional inverse problem solution for the electromagnetic Earth sounding by the field formation Yu. G. Soloveichik, G. M. Trigubovich, A. V. Chernyshov, M. É. Royak
138 |
A method for solving a nonlinear transport equation A. S. Yakimov
154 |