Victor Matveevich Buchstaber (photo)
On Actions of Tori and Quaternionic Tori on Products of Spheres Anton A. Ayzenberg, Dmitry V. Gugnin
5 |
Complex Cobordism Modulo $c_1$-Spherical Cobordism and Related Genera Malkhaz Bakuradze
15 |
Mod $p$ Buchstaber Invariant Djordje Baralić, Aleš Vavpetič, Aleksandar Vučić
26 |
Models for the Cohomology of Certain Polyhedral Products M. Bendersky, J. Grbić
43 |
New Examples and Partial Classification of 15-Vertex Triangulations of the Quaternionic Projective Plane Alexander A. Gaifullin
58 |
Extended Model of Josephson Junction, Linear Systems with Polynomial Solutions, Determinantal Surfaces, and Painlevé III Equations Alexey A. Glutsyuk
101 |
The Integral Cohomology Ring of Symmetric Products of CW Complexes and Topology of Symmetric Products of Riemann Surfaces D. V. Gugnin
148 |
The Cohomology of Projective Unitary Groups Haibao Duan
173 |
Manifolds Realized as Orbit Spaces of Non-free $\mathbb Z_2^k$-Actions on Real Moment–Angle Manifolds Nikolai Yu. Erokhovets
193 |
$\mathbb Z_2$-Homology of the Orbit Spaces $G_{n,2}/T^n$ Vladimir Ivanović, Svjetlana Terzić
240 |
Bier Spheres and Toric Topology Ivan Yu. Limonchenko, Matvey A. Sergeev
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Polyhedral Products, Graph Products, and $p$-Central Series Taras E. Panov, Temurbek A. Rahmatullaev
293 |
On a Family of Multivalued Groups I. N. Ponomarenko
311 |
Stellar Subdivision and Polyhedral Products Stephen Theriault
314 |
On the Monodromy-Preserving Deformation of a Double Confluent Heun Equation S. I. Tertichniy
330 |
$c_1$-Cohomological Rigidity for Smooth Toric Fano Varieties of Picard Number Two Yunhyung Cho, Eunjeong Lee, Mikiya Masuda, Seonjeong Park
368 |
Newton–Okounkov Polytopes of Type $A$ Flag Varieties of Small Ranks Arising from Cluster Structures Yunhyung Cho, Naoki Fujita, Akihiro Higashitani, Eunjeong Lee
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