Technical progress in the power industry V. A. Kirillin, M. A. Styrikovich
235 |
Plasma Investigations
Electron distribution function in a Knudsen-discharge plasma in argon Yu. A. Byrdin, T. G. Byrdina, D. V. Karetnikov
246 |
Phenomena associated with the electron emission of an exploding wire during the melting stage S. V. Lebedev
252 |
Experimental study of nonequilibrium plasma M. M. Malikov
260 |
Motion of the ionization front in an argon-cesium plasma in a magnetic field V. T. Karpukhin, A. V. Nedospasov
266 |
Volt-ampere characteristics of argon plasma behind a shock wave in the presence of cold electrodes in a nonself-maintaining discharge A. M. Maksimov, Yu. A. Nikuev
272 |
Thermophysical Properties of Materials
Investigation of phase transitions in argon and Coulomb gas by the Monte-Carlo method using an isothermically isobaric ensemble P. N. Vorontsov-Velyaminov, A. M. Eliashevich, L. A. Morgenshtern, V. P. Chasovskikh
277 |
Kinetic theory of classical multiatomic gases. $\text{I}$. Derivation of the kinetic equation E. G. Kolesnichenko, V. F. Baibuz
286 |
Calculation of thermal conductivity of molecular gases from the data of ultrasonic measurements M. Ya. Alievskiy
292 |
Determination of ionization potentials of atomic uranium by electron impact method. $\text{I}$. Measurement of first ionization potential of uranium A. M. Emel'yanov, Yu. S. Khodeev, L. N. Gorokhov
296 |
Obtaining the equation of state for liquid mercury on the basis of different kinds of experimental data. $\text{II}$. A. T. Yakovlev
300 |
Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, Gas and Plasma
Boiling of molten alkali metals in tubes B. S. Petukhov, Yu. A. Zeigarnik
309 |
Investigation of heat and mass transfer in a heat pipe with a sodium coolant M. N. Ivanovskii, V. P. Sorokin, V. I. Subbotin, M. V. Shustov
319 |
Application of the uniform diffusion model to the calculation of the tangential stressesand velocity field in a turbulent fluid flow V. P. Bobkov, M. Kh. Ibragimov
326 |
Heat transfer and frictional drag in the longitudinal flow of a gas with variable physical properties past a plate V. N. Popov
333 |
Nonsteady convective heat transfer in pipes I. S. Kochenov, Yu. M. Nikitin
346 |
Experimental investigation of the effectiveness of the shield in a turbulent boundary layer V. P. Komarov, A. I. Leont'ev
353 |
Methods of Experimental Researches and Methods of Measurements
Measurement of the electron temperature of a plasma using a differential analyzerof charged particles with respect to the energy. $\text{I}$. Basis of method N. I. Alinovskii, Yu. E. Nesterikhin, A. I. Rogozin
359 |
Interferometric method for direct determination of the density distribution of electrons in the volume of a plasma N. V. Belan, V. A. Pimkin, A. I. Skibenko, V. V. Zinoviev
367 |
Physical properties of a thermometric $\mathrm{In}$–$\mathrm{Ga}$–$\mathrm{Sn}$ melt V. Ya. Prokhorenko, E. A. Ratushnyak, B. I. Stadnyk, V. I. Lakh, A. M. Koval
374 |
High Temperature Apparatuses and Structures
The possibilities of using gas-turbine units and magnetohydrodynamic generators in atomic power plants with high-temperature gas-cooled reactors M . D. Millionshchikov, A. M. Lyul'ka, A. V. Nedospasov, A. E. Sheindlin
379 |
The internal efficiency of the vapor–liquid-acceleration device of a liquid-metal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) unit É. É. Shpil'rain, K. A. Yakimovich, A. P. Sevastyanov
394 |
Critical current density through the electrodes of a MHD generator, made of $\mathrm{ZrO}_2$–$\mathrm{Y}_2\mathrm{O}_3$ ceramic Ya. P. Gokhshtein, A. A. Safonov
398 |
Influence of end effects on the thermal efficiency of MHD plants A. B. Vatazhin, S. A. Medin, A. G. Sokolskii, B. Ya. Shumyatskii
403 |
Thermodynamics of a strongly nonideal plasma H. E. Norman, A. N. Starostin
413 |
Short Communications
Theory of the emission instability of the metallic-film cathodes of plasma diodes A. I. Loshkarev
439 |
Experimental investigation of the electrical conductivity of a $\mathrm{He}$–$\mathrm{K}$ plasma V. M. Batenin, V. F. Chinnov
441 |
Acoustic vibrations of the discharge channel in large-dimension pulsed tubular lamps I . V. Demenik, V. E. Mnuskin, N. I. Sereda, D. P. Solovei
443 |
Thermal properties of molybdenum at high temperatures N. I. Makarenko, L. N. Trukhanova, L. P. Filippov
445 |
Thermal conductivity of gallium, indium, and thallium antimonides V. I. Fedorov, V. I. Machuev
447 |
Enthalpy of a tungsten – molybdenum alloy in the temperature range $1400$–$3000^{\circ}$k V. Ya. Chekhovskoi, V. D. Tarasov, I. A. Zhukova
449 |
Velocity of sound in liquid cesium I. I. Novikov, Yu. S. Trelin, T. A. Tsiganova
450 |
The boiling temperature of superheated liquids V. F. Prisnyakov
451 |
Effect of a longitudinal magnetic field on the stability of the flow of an electrically conducting liquid L. G. Genin, V. G. Zhilin, S. P. Manchha
454 |
Distribution of the concentrations and velocities of the solid particles in a turbulent air-dust stream I. I. Paleev, F. A. Agafonova, L. H. Dymant
457 |
Conversion of $\mathrm{K}_2\mathrm{CO}_3$ into $\mathrm{KHCO}_3$ in the low-temperature zone of the gas loop of a MHD generator A. S. Golubkova, N. I. Zakharova, M. A. Laricheva, I. L. Mostinskii, R. S. Nekhoroshev
459 |
Ninth international conference on phenomena in ionized gases V. A. Ovcharenko
461 |
Meeting on “The state of metrology in the field of temperature measurements” D . F. Tartakovskii
462 |