Plasma Investigations
Study of the parameters of a plasma ARC burning in a mixture of argon and aluminum qxid V. E. Ionin, E. V. Smirnov, L. V. Boeva
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Electrical breakdown of the gap between plasma and cold electrodes by an induced field E. F. Lebedev, Yu. A. Nikuev
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Surface ionization in the interaction of alkali plasma with hot electrodes A. V. Potapov, G. V. Babkin
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The theory of low pressure discharge in short gap Yu. Yu. Abramov, G. G. Gladush
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The effect of ARC length on the electrical characteristics of a plasmatron A. V. Donskoi, V. S. Klubnikin, A. S. Parhomenko
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Erosion characteristics of a quasistationary plasma accelerator A. M. Dorodnov, A. B. Ivashkin, N. P. Kozlov, N. N. Reshetnikov
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Analysis of the effect of the self-reversal of spectral lines on the measurement of plasma (or flame) temperature J. Licki, S. Suckewer
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Thermophysical Properties of Materials
Determination of the ionization potentials of atomic uranium by the electron impact method. $\text{II}$. Measurement of the second, third, and fourth ionization potentials of uranium A. M. Emel'yanov, Yu. S. Khodeev, L. N. Gorokhov
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The effect of pressure on the radiative capacity of heated carbon dioxide E. S. Kuznetsova, M. V. Podkladenko
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Measurement of air viscosity in a shock tube Yu. A. Polyakov
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Disappearance of the electrical conductivity of a metal due to intense heating by high-density current S. V. Lebedev, A. I. Savvatimskii
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Emissivity of metals of the $\text{IVb}$ subgroup at high temperatures G. A. Zhorov
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Investigation of the surface tension of liquid alkali metal A. A. Kirlyanenko, A. N. Solov'ev
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Thermal conductivity of various awoys in the $\mathrm{Ti}$–$\mathrm{O}$ system M. I. Aivazov, A. Kh. Muranevich, I. A. Domashnev, A. G. Sarkisyan
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Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, Gas and Plasma
Heat transfer from liquid to liquid in a flow past two sides of a plate A. Sh. Dorfman
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Heat fluxes to the electrodes with the laminar flow of an argon-potassium plasma in the electrical field of a discharg B. S. Petukhov, E. F. Ivanov, G. N. Nikolaev, V. G. Zhilin, G. A. Krymov
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Thermal breakdown of a surface by a pulse of energy L. E. Belousova
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Shock waves in a flow of wet vapor with a high liquid phase content G. A. Saltanov, G. V. Tsiklauri, V. K. Shanin
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Kinetics of spontaneous nucleation in strongly heated liquids P. A. Pavlov, V. P. Skripov
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Critical heat fluxes and stability of heat transfer with boiling S. A. Kovalev
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A mathematical model of a steam-generating channel and methods for investigating its operating stability and self-oscillations Yu. S. Molochnikov, N. B. Ivanova
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Methods of Experimental Researches and Methods of Measurements
Measurement of electron plasma temperature with a differential charged-particle energy analyzer. $\text{II}$. Experimental results N. I. Alinovskii, Yu. E. Nesterikhin, A. I. Rogozin
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Temperature dependence of the electrical resistance of a platinum sensitive element at high temperatures N. A. Skorodinskiy, V. Ya. Prokhorenko, Ya. I. Dutchak
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High Temperature Apparatuses and Structures
An apparatus for determining the enthalpy and specific heat of solids at temperatures up to $3700^{\circ}$K A. E. Sheindlin, I. S. Belevich, I. G. Kozhevnikov
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Calculation of the heat-engineering reliability of highly stressed heat exchangers A . I. Klemin, M. M. Strigulin
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Problems of mass transfer in fuel cells with an ion-exchange membrane A. M. Ivanov, N. S. Lidorenko, G. F. Muchnik, L. S. Tabakman
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Cycles and thermal circuits of steam-gas turbine installations, with cooling of the gas during compression by the evaporation of injected water P. G. Poletavkin
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The investigation of emergency operating modes of a magnetohydrodynamic generator on an analog computer B. G. Iotkovskii, V. V. Kirillov, V. I. Pishchikov
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The effect of certain factors on the external characteristics and efficiency of magnetohydrodynamic generators A. V. Gubarev, V. A. Gurashvili
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Measurements of the electrical conductivity and density of metals in the supercritical state V. A. Alekseev
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Short Communications
The investigation of an argon ARC in the far infrared region of the spectrum E. V. Ukhanov, O. K. Filippov
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Possibility of determining the energy of a beam of slow electrons by a spectroscopic method E. P. Busygin, V. G. Grigor'yants, B. G. Zhukov, I. P. Yavor
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Recurrence relation for the virial coefficients of the equation of state A. L. Tsykalo, V. I. Selevanuk
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Measurement of the reflectivity for oblique incidence of light on a surface D. M. Sherbina
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The work function of polycrystalline silicon carbide G. G. Gnesin, G. S. Oleinik, L. N. Okhremchuk, I. A. Podchernyaeva, V. S. Fomenko
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Measurement of the enthalpy of liquid potassium É. É. Shpil'rain, D. N. Kagan
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The thermal properties of niobium at high temperatures I. N. Makarenko, L. N. Trukhanova, L. P. Filippov
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The thermal conductivity of liquid chalcogenides of thallium V. I. Fedorov, V. I. Machuev
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The thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity, and thermal EMF of the ternary compounds $\mathrm{Cu}_2\mathrm{SnTe}_3$ and $\mathrm{Cu}_2\mathrm{GeTe}_3$ in the solid and liquid states S. N. Aliev, Ya. B. Magomedov, N. V. Shchegolkova
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Application of dilatometry to measurement of the total degree of blackness of metals S. Batalov
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Heating and cooling of an infinite cylinder with uniform distribution of the heat sources, surrounded by a thin shell, with a variable temperature of its outer boundary R. G. Kozin, K. N. Shevchenko
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Possibility of increasing the efficiency of condensation schemes for the liquid-metal magnetohydrodynamic conversion of energy S. D. Dukhovlinov
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New instruments for thermophysical investigations L. A. Novitskii, N. N. Erhardt
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