Plasma Investigations
Distribution functions of a microfield in nonideal plasma Yu. K. Kurilenkov, V. S. Filinov
657 |
Decay rates of the helium $3^1D$ level excited by a nanosecond discharge E. I. Asinovskii, L. M. Vasilyak, A. V. Kirillin, V. V. Markovets
668 |
Electron distribution function of air plasma produced by a beam of fast electrons G. B. Lappo, M. M. Prudnikov, V. G. Chicherin
677 |
Non-Self-Maintained High-Voltage Glow Discharge between Spherical Electrodes L. Yu. Dzagurov, A. V. Zharinov, Yu. A. Kovalenko
682 |
Spontaneous Modulation of Osclllatlons of an ac Discharge in Electronegative Gases A. D. Barkalov, G. G. Gladush
690 |
Stability of an hf Induction Discharge in a Dense Plasma V. D. Hait
695 |
Electron Characteristics in a Glow Discharge in a Transverse Flow of Air F. M. Gaisin, G. Yu. Dautov, A. M. Minnigulov
703 |
Limiting Mean Power Output from a Copper-Vapor Laser V. M. Batenin, I. I. Klimovskii, L. A. Selezneva
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Dynamics of the Cathode Processes on a Bimetal Electrode under Ultrahigh Vаcuum A. I. Bushik, B. J. Jüttner, H. Pursch
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Temperature Determination for a Real Plasma from Line Self-Reversal M. Kh. Salakhov, I. S. Fishman
721 |
Resonant Rayleigh Scattering of a Weak Beam in a Cool Plasma L. Ya. Margolin, L. N. Pyatnitskiĭ, N. P. Shternov
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Thermophysical Properties of Materials
$X_{\alpha}$ Discrete-Variation Method of Calculating the Equlllbrium Separation and Electron Affinlty of the $\mathrm{Cs}_2$ Molecule G. L. Gurtsev, V. K. Gryaznov, V. E. Fortov
733 |
Morse Potential and the Behavior of Metals at High Temperatures B. M. Drapkin
738 |
Effect of Coatings on the Radiating Power of Steels V. S. Pikashov, A. E. Erinov, V. A. Klevchishkin
741 |
Solutions of Zirconium Dioxide G. A. Zhorov, B. M. Zakharov
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Electrophyslcal and Thermophyslcal Properties of the Carbide
Alloys $\mathrm{Ti}\mathrm{C}$ — $\mathrm{Zr}\mathrm{C}$, $\mathrm{Ti}\mathrm{C}$—$\mathrm{V}\mathrm{C}$ M. I. Lesnaya, E. A. Zhurakovskiy
752 |
Effect of Degree of Dispersion of Initial Powder on Thermal and Electrical Conductivity of Sintered Zirconium Carbide I. A. Vishnevetskaya, L. V. Kudr`asheva, S. S. Ordanyan, V. A. Petrov
756 |
Thermophysical Characteristics of Diffusion in Crystalline Silicon A. A. Arifov, P. Kh. Khabibullaev
760 |
Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, Gas and Plasma
Removal of Rayleigh-Taylor Instablllty of a Conducting Fluid by a Magnetic Field and a Heat Flux V. M. Ievlev, É. E. Son
769 |
Influence of Scattering on Radiant Transport in a Plane Layer of a Condensed Medium with Optically Smooth Surfaces I. A. Gorban'
775 |
Unsteady Radiative and Conductive Heat Transfer in a Plane Layer of a Selective Scattering Medium N. V. Marchenko, E. A. Venyavkina
781 |
Calculation of Drag and Heat Transfer of Semibounded Jets by Means of the Karman Integral Relation N. N. Kortikov
788 |
Bolling Crises in Horizontal Channels wlth a Screen on the Inside Surface M. A. Styrikovich, A. I. Leont'ev, I. L. Mostinskii, V. S. Polonskii, I. M. Chernika
794 |
Results of a Statistical Analysis of the Wave Structure of the Interface in a Two-Phase Boundary Layer M. E. Deich, I. P. Tetera
801 |
Ebullition of a Liquid in a Large Volume Following Rapid Depressurization O. A. Isaev, P. A. Pavlov
812 |
Unsteady-State Temperature Field of a Cylindrical Body wlth Variable Properties Yu. V. Vidin
819 |
Methods of Experimental Investigation and Measurements
New Crlterion for Evaluation of the Instablllty of the Thermal EMF of Thermoelectric Converters B. I. Stadnyk
826 |
Theoretical Possiblllty of Measuring the Actual Temperature of Objects by the Methods of Noise Pyrometry S. P. Furtak
834 |
Deformation of a Thermal Marker in a Liquid, Moving in Flat or Cylindrical Channels V. B. Baskov, È. G. Platonov, G. A. Sokolov
841 |
High Temperature Apparatuses and Structures
Heat-Stabilizing Properties of Gas-Regulated Heat Pipes with a Soluble Gas M. G. Semena, R. Müller
846 |
Characteristics of the Flow of a Two-Temperature Plasma of Inert Gases in a MHD Channel A. L. Genkin, V. L. Goryachev, N. N. Dumenskiy, A. S. Remennyi
852 |
Effect of Combustion on the Frequency Of Acoustical Vibrations in a Cylindrical Combustion Chamber V. A. Dvoynishnikov
857 |
Kinetics of the Desulfurization of an Exhausted Ionizing Additive in a MHD Electric Power Plant Ya. M. Wizel', R. A. Ibragimov, I. L. Mostinskii
863 |
Short Communications
О роли $VV$- и $VT$-процессов в механизме нагревания газа в положительном столбе разряда в азоте Yu. B. Golubovskii, A. V. Florko
870 |
Приэлектродные области тлеющего разряда и нормальная плотность тока на аноде Yu. S. Akishev, A. P. Napartovich, P. I. Peretyat'ko, N. I. Trushkin
873 |
Особенности разряда в системе «Гомополяр» с накаленным катодом R. N. Vorob`ev, V. N. Zverev, N. P. Poluektov
876 |
К расчету химического потенциала методом молекулярной динамики V. Yu. Bugaev, V. A. Rabinovich
878 |
Влияние ближней упорядоченности и концентрационной зависимости энергий межчастичного взаимодействия на энтальпию образования в жидких сплавах щелочных металлов É. É. Shpil'rain, D. N. Kagan, G. A. Krechetova
880 |
Влияние электрического поля на течение и теплообмен диэлектрической жидкости в условиях существенной неизотермичности V. I. Malkovskii, T. M. Muratova
882 |
Вариационное решение задачи нестационарной теплопроводности для областей с подвижной границей N. M. Tsirelman
886 |
Модуляция лучистых потоков обтюраторами D. M. Sherbina
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Abstracts of Deposited Papers
Излучение водородной плазмы в спектральном диапазоне $124$–$300$ нм M. D. Ginzburg
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Эмпирические интегральные вольт-амперные характеристики МГД-генератора V. V. Vasil'ev
892 |
Расчетное уравнение местной теплоотдачи для задачи Гретца – Нуссельта E. L. Rodionov
893 |
К исследованию вольт-амперных характеристик МГД-генератора на экстремум мощности V. V. Vasil'ev
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