Plasma Investigations
Quasi-bound electron-states and their localization in plasma with strong coulomb interaction A. L. Khomkin
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Definition of a strongly nonideal plasma I. L. Iosilevskii
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Bremsstrahlung near a level formation threshold L. G. D'yachkov, G. A. Kobzev
686 |
Composition and electrophysical parameters of a hydrogen-oxygen plasma D. Ya. Dudko, Yu. P. Iemets, I. I. Repa
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Non-equilibrium behavior in a decaying xenon plasma with afterglow modulation by acoustic-waves V. P. Markov, V. N. Skrebov
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A model for a quasi-stationary heavy inert-gas beam-plasma. 1. General description A. V. Karlashov, O. V. Korshunov
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Study of fast heating of oxygen in a non-self-sustaining discharge Ya. I. Londer, L. P. Menakhin, K. N. Ulyanov
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Effect of structure of plasma formations near the surface of an object on scattering of electromagnetic-waves in a flow of partially ionized-gas V. A. Shuvalov, A. E. Churilov, M. G. Bystritskii
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Thermophysical Properties of Materials
IR emission of $\mathrm{CO}$-containing and $\mathrm{CO}_2$-containing mixtures of vibrational-nonequilibrium gases V. M. Doroshenko, S. I. Kryuchkov, N. N. Kudryavtsev, S. S. Novikov
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Complex-ions in alkali vapors A. A. Likal'ter
746 |
Experimental investigation of the saturated vapor-pressures of sodium-potassium eutectic alloys I. I. Novikov, V. V. Roshchupkin, N. Ya. Mikhailov, M. A. Pokrasin
754 |
Method and results of calculating equilibrium vapor-liquid compositions in the $\mathrm{CsF}$–$\mathrm{Cs}$ system É. É. Shpil'rain, E. E. Totskii, Yu. V. Karmyshin
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Evaporation of tungsten in a vacuum at low-pressures of hydrogen and water-vapor R. A. Andrievski, E. A. Galkin, V. V. Khromonozhkin
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Thermal EMF of lead-tin alloys V. I. Ivlev, V. A. Yudin
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Thermal-conductivity of normal alkanes and some isoalkanes at different temperatures A. G. Akhmedov
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Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, Gas and Plasma
Effect of line spectrum on radiant-heat exchange in a shock layer T. V. Kondranin, I. N. Kuzminskii
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Calculation of heat-exchange and friction for laminar-flow of gas in a two-dimensional channel with porous walls and heat-sources A. S. Korshunov, I. S. Olonichev
786 |
Method of solving conjugate heat-transfer problems for fluid motion in tubes G. M. Kazakov
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Taking non-equilibrium vaporization into account in problems of vapor-bubble dynamics A. V. Korabel'nikov, V. E. Nakoryakov, I. R. Shreiber
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High-frequency component of acoustic radiation of vapor micro-bubbles generated in the boiling of underheated liquids P. I. Golubnichiĭ, V. G. Kudlenko
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Absorption of substances from a steam and gas aerosol flow by a $2$-component liquid A. L. Kalyazin, D. I. Lamden, I. L. Mostinskii
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Conjugate heat-exchange and the hydrodynamic problem in a solidifying melt Yu. A. Samoilovich, L. N. Yasnitskii, Z. K. Kabakov
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Approximate method for solving heat-conduction problems in multilayered solids L. I. Roizen
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Methods of Experimental Investigation and Measurements
Measurement of concentration and effective collision frequency of electrons in industrial and laboratory setups containing an mhd generator using a submillimeter laser interferometer I. A. Vasil'eva, V. A. Yepishin, N. G. Pokormyakho, V. A. Svich, L. S. Tolchinskii, A. N. Topkov, A. S. Urinson, D. N. Yundev
832 |
Fast automated-system for high-temperature ($2500$–$6000$-degrees-K) measurements of samples heated by laser-radiation M. A. Sheindlin, A. V. Kirillin, L. M. Heyfetz, K. A. Khodakov
839 |
Theoretical basis of the contactless method of determining the thermal-conductivity of partially transparent materials V. K. Bityukov, V. A. Petrov, S. V. Stepanov
849 |
High Temperature Apparatuses and Structures
Effect of near-electrode phenomena on electrical nonuniformities in MHD channels N. N. Baranov, A. E. Buznikov, V. I. Kovbasyuk
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Possibility of obtaining metallic vapors by pulsed heating of composite conductors A. B. Matsenko
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Formation of current layers in the gas-flow in a model MHD channel without using an alkaline additive V. A. Derevyanko, V. A. Lyubochko, S. V. Kukhtetskii, O. G. Parfenov, V. S. Sokolov
868 |
Short Communications
Влияние кислорода на генерацию азотного лазера E. I. Asinovskii, L. M. Vasilyak, Yu. M. Tokunov
873 |
О влиянии автоионизационных состояний отрицательных ионов на плотность свободных электронов в газе при высоких давлениях N. L. Aleksandrov, S. V. Dobkin
876 |
О возможности экспериментального определения отрыва температуры электронов от температуры кристаллической решетки в металлах R. Ya. Kucherov, M. F. Malkhozov
878 |
О влиянии величины нормальной плотности тока катода на устойчивость несамостоятельного тлеющего разряда S. Ya. Bronin, G. V. Gembarzhevskii, V. M. Kolobov, V. N. Sushkin, V. I. Shabashov
881 |
Сечения упругого рассеяния быстрых электронов атомами B. V. Alekseev, A. I. Abakumov, V. S. Vinogradov
883 |
Энтальпия гексаборидов самария и гадолиния S. P. Gordienko, E. A. Guseva, V. V. Fesenko
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Экспериментальное исследование $p$–$v$–$T$-зависимости и динамической вязкости бинарной смеси
н-бутилового спирта с изобутиловым в широком интервале параметров состояния R. A. Mustafaev, D. K. Ganiev
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Динамика парового пузырька в поле волны давления A. V. Korabel'nikov, V. E. Nakoryakov, B. G. Pokusaev, I. R. Shreiber
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Abstracts of Deposited Papers
Поверхностное натяжение и критические температуры металлов (№ 1094-81 Деп. от 10.III.1981) V. I. Tsapkov
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Плотность жидких металлов и ее температурная зависимость (№ 1093-81 Деп. от 10.III.1981) V. I. Tsapkov
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Температурные поля трубчатой излучающей системы (№ 1095-81 Деп. от 10.III.1981) V. G. Goman, V. E. Krivosheev
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Уравнение состояния и термодинамические свойства фтора в широкой окрестности критической точки (№ 1096-81 Деп. от 10.III.1981) V. A. Rabinovich, Yu. E. Sheludyak
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