Plasma Investigations
Polarization of the emission-lines of an arc plasma at atmospheric-pressure L. Ya. Margolin, N. Ya. Polynovskaya, L. N. Pyatnitskiĭ, R. Sh. Timergaliev, S. A. Èdel'man
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Effect of the state of electrode surfaces on the formation of cathodic and anodic spots Yu. S. Akishev, A. P. Napartovich, S. V. Pashkin, V. V. Ponomarenko, N. A. Sokolov, N. I. Trushkin
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Electrical-conductivity of an alkali-metal-vapor plasma V. V. Gogoleva, V. Yu. Zitserman, A. Ya. Polishchuk, I. T. Yakubov
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Nonequilibrium vibrational-level distributions for highly anharmonic diatomic-molecules A. V. Dem'yanov, I. V. Kochetov, A. P. Napartovich, A. N. Starostin
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A spectroscopic study of the production of atomic fluorine in a glow-discharge in tetrafluoromethane G. K. Vinogradov, D. I. Slovetskii, T. V. Fedoseeva
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Characteristics of nonuniform formation of an electric-field in nonlinear media in the presence of localized inhomogeneities V. F. Reztsov
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Limitation of the current-density in the cathodic spot of a vacuum-arc M. P. Zektser, V. I. Rahovskii
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Analytical solution of the kinetic-equation of a copper-vapor plasma in ionization conditions L. V. Voronyuk, L. G. Grechko, O. V. Komarov, I. P. Pinkevich, P. A. Selishchev, T. S. Sidenko
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Motion of the channel of a pulsed high-current vacuum discharge in a magnetic-field P. S. Gura, V. I. Sysun, Yu. D. Khromoi
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The effects of vibrational-excitation on the rate of attachment of electrons to $\mathrm{O}_2$ molecules in a gas-discharge N. L. Aleksandrov, A. M. Konchakov
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Thermophysical Properties of Materials
Electronic transport-coefficients in the vicinity of the critical-point of metals A. A. Likal'ter
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Quantitative-analysis of the unified equation of state of gas and liquid, taking account of the features of the critical region V. F. Lysenkov, E. S. Platunov
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Determining the virial-coefficients from refractive-index data É. É. Shpil'rain, R. I. Artym
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The thermal-conductivity and temperature step in magnesium vapor at high-temperatures V. V. Makhrov, E. G. Okulich-Kazarin
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The viscosity of liquid sulfur D. L. Timrot, M. A. Serednitskaya, A. N. Medveditskov
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Absorption parameter of fused aluminum-oxide at high-temperatures N. A. Rubtsov, A. A. Emel'yanov, N. N. Ponomarev
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Analytical investigation of some features of the shock compression of wet vapor G. M. Arutyunyan, S. T. Ovsepyan
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Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, Gas and Plasma
Numerical-simulation of heat and mass-transfer in a continuous-casting mold V. S. Travkin
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Effects of free-convection on turbulent transport in a flow of liquid on an inclined surface V. N. Popov
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Jet cooling of a plate at a temperature close to the coolant temperature V. V. Glazkov, M. D. Guseva, B. A. Zhestkov, V. P. Lukash
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Approximate method for the calculation of radiation convection heat-transfer in a plane channel B. S. Petukhov, I. G. Zaltsman, V. K. Shikov
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Radiation convection heat-transfer on a plate L. A. Dombrovskii
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Characteristics of the $2$-phase mixture formed near the surface of a body by its volatilization into an extraneous gas under steady-state free-convective conditions M. V. Brykin
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Influence of the relative motion and volume concentration of bubbles on interphase heat and mass-transfer in vapor-liquid media A. E. Kroshilin, V. E. Kroshilin, B. I. Nigmatulin
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Nonmonotonic dependence of heat-transfer on the temperature ratio V. Yu. Aleksandrov
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Methods of Experimental Investigation and Measurements
Application of pattern-recognition methods for the investigation of turbulent-flow structure A. F. Polyakov, S. A. Shindin
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High Temperature Apparatuses and Structures
Experimental investigation of the effectiveness of the matching of a magnetoplasma compressor with an explosive magnetohydrodynamic generator A. S. Kamrukov, G. N. Kashnikov, N. P. Kozlov, M. M. Kondratenko, E. F. Lebedev, V. K. Orlov, V. E. Ostashev, Yu. S. Protasov, A. M. Semenov
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EDDP-$1{,}2$ high-performance hydrogen plasmatron A. V. Pustogarov, A. B. Karabut, G. N. Mel'nikov, B. M. Nikitin, D. Yu. Pakhomov, V. Ya. Yakubov
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Compound heat-transfer with vigorous coolant circulation in a cylindrical oven B. S. Soroka, A. E. Erinov, L. I. Val'
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Short Communications
Электростатический зонд в многокомпонентной плазме B. V. Alekseev, V. A. Kotel'nikov, V. V. Cherepanov
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Электропроводность, пробой высокотемпературных защитных покрытий на основе шпинели $\mathrm{MgAl}_2\mathrm{O}_4$ D. Ya. Dudko, A. V. Primak, V. M. Ivanov, V. F. Kuzovitkin
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Измерение температуры плавления бария É. É. Shpil'rain, D. N. Kagan, S. N. Ul'yanov
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О вскипании перегретых жидкостей в стеклянных капиллярах E. N. Sinitsyn
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Применение модифицированного метода Бубнова–Галеркина к решению одного класса нелинейных задач теплопроводности I. N. Bogatenko, M. V. Boychuk
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Соотношения взаимности при прохождении излучения через границу двух сред с разными показателями преломления S. V. Stepanov
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К вопросу об эффективности преобразования энергии во взрывном МГД-генераторе M. M. Kondratenko, E. F. Lebedev, V. E. Ostashev
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Влияние межэлектродных флуктуаций напряжения на ограничение продольного электрического поля
в МГД-генераторах Yu. V. Makarov, O. I. Obrezkov
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Abstracts of Deposited Papers
Импульсное ускорение плазмы в многоканальном $z$-пинче (№ 6290-83 Деп. от 25.XI.1983) S. R. Cholev
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Коэффициент ионизации и эффективная частота столкновений электронов с молекулами в сверхзвуковой струе фотоионизационной плазмы азота (№ 419-84 Деп. от 20.I.1984) A. A. Kulikovskii
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