Plasma Investigations
Analysis and interpretation of experiments on microwave interferometry of shock waves in a weakly ionized plasma A. P. Ershov, S. V. Klishin, S. V. Kuzovnikov, S. E. Ponomareva, Yu. P. Pyt'ev
1041 |
Optical discharge in liquids N. E. Kask, E. G. Leksina, G. M. Fedorov, M. T. Yaborov
1048 |
Wave of ionization in streamer breakdown of a gas. Diffusion-drift approximation V. A. Schweigert
1056 |
Bremsstrahlung from multiply ionized, strongly compressed plasma A. A. Artem'ev, I. T. Yakubov
1064 |
On the scaling and the stability of burning of plasma-chemical high-frequency induction discharges in a gas flow A. S. Petrusev, B. V. Potapkin, V. D. Rusanov, A. A. Fridman
1072 |
Ionization processes in a self-maintained flow-through discharge in the mixtures $\mathrm{CO}$–$\mathrm{He}$ and $\mathrm{CO}$–$\mathrm{He}$–$\mathrm{O}_2$ with cryogenic cooling G. M. Grigorian, Yu. Z. Ionikh
1080 |
Special features and time characteristics of radiation from a plasma during a shock discharge into air A. F. Aleksandrov, K. Sh. Isaev, I. B. Timofeev, V. A. Chernikov, U. Yusupaliev
1086 |
Interaction of a surface with its vapor plasma after the termination of a laser pulse V. M. Batenin, I. I. Klimovskii, A. I. Kobylyanskii, L. A. Selezneva, G. V. Sergienko, A. V. Nedospasov, B. P. Shelyuhaev
1093 |
Thermophysical Properties of Materials
Radiation properties of vapors of heavy hydrocarbons A. A. Sagdeev, A. M. Nizamov, N. Kh. Akhunov, A. G. Usmanov, L. S. Yanovskii
1101 |
Equation of state of normal heptane in critical region D. S. Kurumov
1107 |
Dimensional dependence of phase diagram of simple material M. N. Magomedov
1112 |
Acoustical properties of antimony and bismuth selenide and telluride melts V. M. Glazov, S. G. Kim, T. Suleimenov
1118 |
Localization of electronic states as a mechanism of structural rearrangement in liquid metals E. M. Iolin, V. O. Nikolaev, S. N. Skovorod'ko, É. É. Shpil'rain
1124 |
Reflective properties of carbon-fiber-reinforced plastic heated in Air by continuous radiation from a $\mathrm{CO}_2$ laser V. A. Dlugunovich, I. N. Dobrokhotov, V. A. Zhdanovskii, A. I. Raudin, V. N. Snopko, A. S. Sokol'nikov
1131 |
Determination of the electron affinity of $\mathrm{PtO}_2$ by the method of ionic-molecular equilibrium E. B. Rudnyi, O. V. Kuznetsova, E. A. Kaibicheva, L. N. Sidorov
1135 |
Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics
Structure of temperature field in free-convective boundary layer around vertical isothermal surface O. A. Kuzmitskii, Yu. S. Chumakov
1142 |
Subsonic compressible flows of chemically reacting gas mixtures in cylindrical and rectangular channels with sudden expansion Yu. E. Egorov, A. E. Kuznetsov, M. Kh. Strelets, M. L. Shur
1149 |
Study of the nonsteady supersonic flow of air past bodies when it is heated by a longitudinal discharge V. V. Vitkovskii, L. P. Grachev, N. N. Gritsov, Yu. E. Kuznetsov, V. V. Lebedenko, V. V. Skvotsov, K. V. Khodataev, V. P. Yankov
1156 |
Comparison of different gasdynamic approximations in the numerical modeling of the hypersonic flow of a rarefired gas past bodies V. G. Scherback
1164 |
Hydrodynamics and the heat-transfer crisis in the countercurrent motion of steam and water in vertical slot channels of rectangular cross section S. B. Alekseev, B. F. Balunov, Yu. N. Ilyukhin, S. V. Svetlov, E. L. Smirnov
1171 |
Study of a second-order heat-transfer crisis in the boiling of aqueous solutions of $\mathrm{Na}_2\mathrm{SO}_4$ A. I. Bronstein, N. B. Gyul'mamedov
1176 |
Output of radiation from cylindrical and spherical radiators in the presence of scattering I. A. Vasil'eva
1181 |
Energy transport by radiation and conduction in liquid hydrocarbon coolants V. A. Alyaev, V. N. Vetoshkin, A. G. Usmanov, L. S. Yanovskii
1189 |
Methods of Experimental Investigation and Measurements
Nonisentropic multistage compression in producing a dense hot gas V. V. Kislykh, K. V. Krapivnoi
1195 |
High Temperature Apparatuses and Structures
Radiative–convective heat transfer in an optical plasmotron chamber S. T. Surzhikov
1205 |
Supersonic-flow stability in a Faraday MHD generator fitted with solid electrodes B. V. Dobrydnev
1214 |
Two-dimensional analysis of Joule dissipation in combined MHD generator electrodes I. I. Beilis, V. I. Zalkind, V. V. Kirillov, S. S. Shchigel'
1220 |
Short Communications
Об электронных колебаниях в плотной водородной плазме F. B. Baimbetov, T. S. Ramazanov, A. S. Utegenov, N. B. Shaltykov
1226 |
Катодный слой вакуумной дуги с низкой плотностью тока A. V. Bolotov, A. V. Kozyrev, Yu. D. Korolev
1228 |
Об еще одной возможности высокотемпературных измерений проводимости оксидных материалов B. M. Barykin, Yu. D. Novov, E. P. Pakhomov, Yu. I. Chubarov
1230 |
Ударная сжимаемость и уравнение состояния углепластика при высоких плотностях энергии A. V. Bushman, V. P. Efremov, I. V. Lomonosov, A. V. Utkin, V. E. Fortov
1232 |
Обобщенное уравнение состояния системы н-бутиловый спирт – изобутиловый спирт в широком диапазоне температур и давлений R. A. Mustafaev, D. K. Ganiev
1235 |
Термодинамика термической диссоциации диарсената висмута $\mathrm{Bi}_4\mathrm{As}_2\mathrm{O}_{11}$ R. B. Shashanova, B. K. Kasenov
1238 |
Локализованные волны на поверхности интенсивно испаряющейся жидкой пленки V. V. Lisitchenko, V. V. Shebela
1240 |
Приближенные соотношения для расчета основных радиационных характеристик сферических частиц в области рассеяния Ми L. A. Dombrovskii
1242 |